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"If you die I will kill you"

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"If you die I will kill you"

⛔️Trigger Warning ⛔️
Chapter Six: Help Others Before yourself

Delia was helping Buck and Eddie clean the engine, Chimney was freaking out about coming up with a baby name for their little girl, which they were still shocked that Delia figured it out, before they even knew.  That's the thing about Delia thought, she was smart almost physic even, they got a call about a big car pile up which was caused by one car

"You sure there's anyone in there left to save?" Athena asks as the trouble Trio are trying to get into the car.

" No verbal response. Can't see past the side airbags. But we picked up a heat signature."

" Definitely a live occupant in the front. Smaller heat signature in the back." Buck explains as Athena nods.

" Dispatch says they got a call from the driver's son, Jacob." Everyone looks at Athena with wide eyes.

"The kid's still in the car?" Chimney says as everyone moves a lot quicker.

" Go! Go! Jaws." Bobby says as the 118 get to work, they try to use the jaws and pry bar, but none of the doors were even budging.

"Got a visual on the driver, but The roof is bent too far inwards. I-I can't pull her out."

" Let's cut the whole top off." Delia pants out of breath as Bobby nods.

" Let's get the saw! Let's go!" Buck comes with the saw and begins cutting a portion of the roof off

"Okay, nice and easy, on three. One, two, three." They remove the roof off the top seeing the son now as well as the mom.

" I've got eyes on the boy.  He's still breathing." Hen says as Delia gets the supplies.

" All right, Buck, get that Halligan."

" It's a miracle she's in one piece. The car's hugging her like a glove." Buck comments.

" Okay, Chim."

" Okay. Young male victim. Possible vertebrae break. Eddie, get me a neck brace." Eddie and Chomeny begin working on the child while the Wonder Twins look at the mother.

" Pulse is steady. Multiple lacerations. Airbag burn."

"What ha-happened?" The mother slurs.

" You think her slurred speech is a symptom of her injuries?" Athena asks.

"Can't be too sure yet." Delia replies.

"Dispatch says she was acting odd before the crash, too."

"Chim, how's that kid looking?" Bobby asks.

" Upper vertebra seems intact, but his systolic blood pressure is skyrocketing... could be a TBI. Probably best to transport him in the seat."

" All right,  make it safe and get him out." Bobby says as Chim nods.

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