Twenty one

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"Scorpion Venom"

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"Scorpion Venom"

⛔️Trigger Warning ⛔️
Chapter Twenty-One: High Tide
2x15: Oceans 9-1-1

Delia was currently walking down the stairs, she heard a noise in the kitchen. Buck was behind her in an instant with a baseball bat. She tiptoed down the stairs hearing the noise of something Metal clattering to the floor and turned the corner gun raised out in front of her.

She knew how to fight but ever since everything happened she decided getting a gun wouldn't be so bad after all she did know how to use it. She sees a figure looking around in the dark and pulls back the safety lever on the gun.

"Turn around slowly." the person does as they're told and she goes for the light turning to see Chim standing in the middle of her living room.

"Do you have a death wish? I almost put a bullet in you." she sighs, putting the safety back on the gun.

"Damn Del, when did you start packing heat?"

"Since I live in downtown Los Angeles." She sets the pistol down on the counter, "What are you doing here Chim, it's like midnight." she looks up from her clock and over at her friend.

"I miss Maddie, I have no one to hang out with anymore," he whines as Delia sighs, stepping up to him she pulls him into a hug. Delia turns to Buck who is shirtless and tries to wave him off back up the stairs when Chim notices.

"Buck? What are you doing? Why don't you have on pants? "

"He lives here too Chim. Did you ever think that Maybe you came at the wrong time?" Delia sighs as Chim looks between the two.

"Why aren't you wearing pants?" He points to Delia who rolls her eyes.

"Because I was sleeping Chimney, Why are you at my house at one in the morning?" She folds her arm over her chest as Chimney looks between the couple. If he didn't know any better one might think they were sleeping with each other.

"I miss hanging out and I am lonely." he practically cries, laying his head on Delia's shoulder who nods towards Buck, mouthing for him to put on pants. He groans walking back up the stairs and blowing out the candles.

He drains the bathtub which is full of bubbles before grabbing the tray of chocolate-covered fruits and hastily pulling on pants and shirt and grabbing Delia some shorts and a sweater before hurrying back downstairs he tucks the strawberries in the fridge and quickly grabs a few beers.

He hands one to Chim who is picking out movies before walking over to Delia and placing the sweater on her shoulders. She thanks him for pulling on the shorts. Chim not noticing the kiss he planted on her forehead or the mere fact that she was wearing Buck's shirt.

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