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<A Week Later>

During the past week the 'Wings' have been working on the songs. Aren and Shun 'happen' to meet at the cafeteria when they can at lunch.

They have been talking about the fair coming up in only a week and it left Shun super excited. He couldn't wait; he already picked out an outfit.


The two males made their ways to the cafeteria to meet. For the first time with week Aren arrived before the other.

They had a table they just always sat at now. Shun got another salad (he gets one at least one a week) and Aren got the pizza.

The two started talking about the plan for when 'The Valley' opens. They will be going the last day even if it's the most busy (it's on a Sunday).

They soon started talking about the band 'Wings'.

"So how are the songs going?" Aren asked
Shun smiled, "better than last time actually!"
"That's nice," the taller one replied.
"Yuppie!" Shun replied taking the last bite of his salad.
Aren chuckled a little bit, "what happened last time?"
Shun frowned only for a second, "I think they thought my writing was bad."

As Aren caught a glimpse of the clock he saw he needed to be back working in a few minutes.

"Sorry to hear, but we should head back now," Aren informed.
"Right. What's the time?" Shun asked
"12:27," Aren said getting up.

Shun shot up as soon as he heard the time and dashed off after saying a goodbye.


Aren stood frozen for another minute before leaving in the opposite direction. He is a fast walker, his normal walking pace was: mother in a grocery store.

Tomorrow he will have a sound check on the songs the 'Wings' are planning on playing for the concert coming up. To be honest now that Aren knew Shun wrote the songs he listened to them more.

He arrived in the room a minute before Mr. Matsuzaki. Even though Aren doesn't need a teacher anymore they prefer working with each other.

When Mr. Matsuzaki opened the door he smiled and said, "'Devao' will be here in about three minutes. They need a few songs recorded."

Aren nodded and they made small talk until the duo group 'Devao' arrived.

<after work>

Aren drove home and couldn't help but think about the small spot in the woods around where Shun lived.

It was so beautiful

Aren got to his okay-ish house. He flopped on the couch closet to the door looking at his phone.

No texts from Ju or Eleana, that's a first.

Soon his phone did ding but it want from either of them.

Shun: you ready for tomorrow?

A smile covered his face.

Aren: yup!
Shun: I am too. I think most people are ready but the singer still needs to learn the words lol
Aren: I bet.
Shun: I can't feel my face rn
Aren: too bad
Shun: :(
Aren: :)

Aren dropped his phone on the floor before he played his favorite playlist. As time passes so did the songs.

Aren soon fell asleep and found himself in a dream. He was on a boat well a crazy storm tossed and turned the boat. He tried to steer it the opposite way to get out but couldn't turn it around. Soon a light from a cloud came down and what looks to make out a person came down. As soon as they did the storm cleared and the person disappeared.

Aren awoke after that and tried to make sense of it but failed.

Oh well, He thought. That was really weird.

Aren looked to his phone to see the time. 5:38(a.m.). Aren needed to be at work by 7 so he decided to start getting already. He started listing to 'The Great Escape' by 'BOYS LIKE GIRLS' on repeat. He hopped into the shower after turning it up. As he washed himself, he sang along again.

I haven't done this in forever- well I sang the song yesterday but still. The feeling of rush is something I haven't felt in forever.

After a while of *really good* singing, he got out. Dried off and got dressed. Today Aren felt like cooking, so he made pancakes. After he made them, he packed his lunch adding one or two.


Shun was asleep on his bed as music was blasting in his ears. The song he fell asleep too was 'All About Us' (by: He is We feat. Owl City).

<Back to Aren>

He ate three pancakes with yogurt on them. He put some in the microwave before texting Junoa.

I have pancakes in my microwave if you want to sneak over sometime today.

She did respond because she gets up at 9:00. She works at her house, so her schedule is flexible.

Aren decided to watch some TV so he went to the living room. He set an alarm on his phone for 10 minutes before he needed to leave for his job.

Time passed and so did the episodes. 2/3rds done with the one he was watch and a *beep. beep. beep. * went off.

Aren got up and turned off the alarm then the TV before putting his coat and shoes. He soon left and went to work.

When he got there, he found most of the band was already in the recording room. Now they all they needed to arrive was the singer and Mr. Matsuzaki.


Jet and the sound recorder chatted and almost everyone was a little shocked. They didn't think that Shun looked like they type to have a friend like... Aren.

Soon Mr. Matsuzaki showed up, "I had problems with my van, sorry. We can start now."
"No, the singer isn't here," the pianist sighed.
"Shun knows the words, right Jet?" Hairo smiled.
Shun was clearly brought a-back from this and blushed a tiny bet before saying, "yeah-"
He was interrupted by Mr. Matsuzaki, "great! So, we can start and went he gets here you can just go back to being only drums."
"Okay," Jet smiled a bit.
"Can you do both at the same time? Sing and drums I mean," Aren asked.

Jet nodded and the band went into the sound room.

Mr. Matsuzaki gave the signal for them to start and so they did. The 'Wings' had the best take they ever had, and it surprised everyone. The song felt so powerful when it fell out of the mystery's lips. Sadly, the moment had to end with the song (that they luckily got a recording of). The singer got there halfway through the song and no one saw.

"How did I do?" Jet asked a little bit out of breath.
Hairo smiled again, "You did awesome!"
"That was great guys! Let's start the 2nd song," Mr. Matsuzaki said through the speaker system.
"No." the singer hissed
"Oh. You're here now," Aren sighed. "Next time don't be late."
"He's right," Mr. Matsuzaki agreed, "Just get in. We are on the 2nd song."

The singer glared at Jet who wanted to hide in his drum set.

In the woods (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now