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He drove home but felt like going to his spot by his house. He went on the short walk someone dragging his feet. He got to the 'magic' pond and sat on a rock. He just watched the leaves float on the blue water. Somehow a couple hours pasted. Shun reached in his back pocket to grab his phone. He could take a photo but it was gone.

Shun jumped up in panic and run down the trail in hopes he just dropped it. Nothing. He ran back to his house and checked his car. His phone must be at the studio. He wanted to drive back but it was probably closed down by now.

I can grab it tomorrow. I'm so dumb.

Shun went inside and watched the sun fall. He saw a red car pull up.


After the band, Wings, rushed out of the studio: I saw the fact Shun left his phone. He sighes because Aren's busy and couldn't drive back to Shun's place and drop it off. The one day he has to work late. Another sigh fell from his lips as he texted his last option.

Aren: Ju or Elenea, I have a favor to ask.
Elenea: Is everything okay?
Ju: What's up?
Aren: My friend, Shun, left their phone at work but it's the one day I need to stay late. I can send his address if one of you can drive it.
Ju: What's in it for us?
Aren: Jet. Jet left it phone.
Aren: thanks.

Aren is glad that it worked out but still has to work. He waited by the front door to Junoa to show up and she did in less then 10 minutes. Her red car sped off as soon as she got the phone and address.

The purple haired boy sighed and went back to working. After 25 to 30 minutes of working he got a text.

Shun: thanks for getting my phone back to me
Aren: Hey no problem. Sorry if Ju was a little excited. You understand right?
Shun: yeah. I trust you and who you let know 'my secret identity'.
Aren: Alright. Well I have to go back to working. Bye.


He saw a red car pull up in his drive way. A girl who was about the same height at Shun came out and walked up to the porch.

She knocked so Shun answer the door.

"Hello, how can I help you," he said with a smile.
The girl smiled much bigger, "Is this Shun's house? I'm friends with Aren and he found his phone."
"OH thanks for bringing me my phone! That was very kind of you," Shun smiled.
"I was so scared I got the wrong house. Aren knows better then asking me to do things," She laughed causing Shun to laugh too.
"I never caught your name," Shun mentally slapped himself.
"Junoa, but most people call me Ju. Actually now's a better time then ever," Ju started. "So I'm getting married to the most beautiful girl ever and I was wondering if your band will play at my wedding?"
"So Aren told you that I'm Jet," Shun laughed. "Would you like to come inside to talk?"
"Can I?" Ju asked.

Shun nodded and they both went inside the cozy home. Shun sent a message thanking Aren for getting his phone back.

"Wow you're house is so cool!" Ju smiled amazed.
"Thank you! So you want the Wings to play at your wedding. And your getting married to a girl?" Shun asked.
"The best girl ever," Ju defended.
Shun smiled, "That super cool. I would love to play at a queer wedding but we never got asked before. I don't know if the singer would approve but I'm sure everyone else would love to."
"For a second I thought you were homophobic, you scared me," Ju sighed.

Shun immediately apologized and then they both laughed.

"If you were homophobic that would be bad, due to the fact Aren is gay," Ju said before covering her mouth.
Shun gasped, "Aren's gay? So... I have a shot?"
"OF COURSE YOU HAVE A SHOT WITH AREN! The JET from the band WINGS one hundred percent has a shot with Aren," Ju yelled.
Shun smiled softly with his head down. His face most likely turned into a rose red.
"WAIT- you like my best friend? Like you like like Aren. You have a crush on my best friend. YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON AREN?!" Ju yelled again after processing.
Shun stayed quiet due to shock but was able to whisper, "At least I think I do."
"I'll tell him to get the balls to ask you on a date. I should be going; here's my number," Ju smiled and went out the door.

Shun fell on his bed with a big dorky smile. Instead of going to a land of dreams, he thought of song lyrics.

...I used to hear a simple song. That was until you came along. You took my broken melody and now, I hear a symphony...

The words poured out on paper and the song was wrote in an hour. Shun left his room due to the feeling that he need to play it. He recorded the song and drifted asleep to the recording.

He dreamt about a small bakery that night. One that felt like home for everyone.

A little note:
I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry is the song that has the lyrics up above.
I recommend listening to the mix of 'I Hear a Symphony' and 'Pluto Projector'

The next morning Shun saw that Hairo posting something on social-media.

"A video got leaked of our singer yelling at our drummer. The outburst- which wasn't the first yet it was the biggest- was about the drummer singing a couple songs well we waited for our singer to arrive (he was behind schedule). The two haven't been the closet well we were together. After our concert we will let you all know our plan to deal with these behavers. Yes, Jet is okay. He was a little shaken up but overall he's alright."

Shun scrolled to the comments and it was filled of things like:

"Thank god Jet is okay!" "Yelling at a drummer for being late...good move." "The singer isn't at fault." "The singer went too far." "As long as they are both alright!" "The singer isn't the bad guy??!!" "this still doesn't answer who the other guy was in the video." "Will we ever know who jet is?" "this is bull." "Wings needs a new singer!" "The drummer went too far" "Jet deserves better"

The amount of people on his side made him happy. It was like adrenaline.

In the woods (Shun Kaidou x Aren Kuboyasu)Where stories live. Discover now