Chapter Sixteen

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God this writers block sure is being a bitch this year. Sorry the chapter is short but I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer. Anyway enjoy the chapter!


"...And after Wu caught us, he had me and Maya do morning exercises everyday for a month ." Libber said, telling Jay her stories from when she stayed at the monastery, training to be the master of lightning as Jay laughed along. Any worrying feelings and thoughts the two had previously about each other had all but faded away. 

"Oh I know how that feels. Have you ever had to do the test with the chicken?"

"Don't even get me started on that damn chicken! I couldn't feel my-" 


The conversation was cut short by the combined sounds of explosions and  screams of terror. Jay just sighed in annoyance, he knew the day at the amusement park had been too quiet. 

The two masters of lightning rushed outside to see what the panic was all about, only to see a bunch of snakes (no surprise there), with blue and purple flames emerging from their scales. 

"Snakes.... Why does it always have to be snakes." Jay said as he got out his nunchucks and spinjitsued into his ninja gi, whilst Libber got out her Katana. (Cliff wondered where they had even got them from.) 

"I'm assuming this happens often?" Libber asked as she punched the nearest snake.

"Yeah, if I had a nickel every time an army of snakes attacked this place, I'd have three, which isn't a lot but it's weird enough that it's happened thrice." Jay replied, using his lightning to deflect a fireball coming towards him. 

Meanwhile, the Phantom squad had ducked for cover behind one of the game stalls, barely dodging the flames and explosions around them.

"Flaming snakes? The heck?" Tucker yelled, as Danny thought of the note he was given earlier.

So it was a warning.

Danny took out the note he got from the stranger earlier, he could see something written in invisible ink on the other side of the paper. Danny held it closer to the flames and read the message on the other side.

I apologise as this was the only way I could warn you without messing up the timelines. There is something buried here that Pariah is after. You must not allow him to get his hands on it.

"Well, it looks like I'm going ghost" Danny looked over the top of the game stall, looking to see where anything could be buried. 

"Danny what do we do? How do we fight these guys?" Sam asked, looking at her furnace which was currently useless in this situation.

"Yeah, our weapons are for fighting ghosts, not snakes!" Valery said, also not looking too keen on fighting with her current equipment. Her blaster would only do minimal damage, and it wasn't like she could go hand to hand combat with something that was on fire

Danny looked up to see several Super Soakers (which were supposed to be the main prize for the game stall) hanging above them.

"Here, use these." Danny grabbed the soakers, filling them at a nearby water fountain before handing them to his friends. "Try not to fight the snakes head on. Just try and get everyone to safety. I've got something I need to find" The group all nodded, and ran off to help their classmates (especially Dash, who was crying like a baby. Sam made a mental note to bring that up in the future).


"At last... REVENGE IS MINE!" Aspheera yelled, enjoying the screams of terror around her.

"Yes, yes we all know you want revenge, but can you please stop repeating the word over and over and help find this damn relic already!" Pythor snapped, having already grown tired of her constantly rambling about revenge and destroying the "betrayer". He looked over the map once more, which lead to this supposedly ancient relic that was supposed to help with this evil spell the ghost king was going to conjure.

"Of course it's in the ghost train. Honestly, what isn't buried under there at this point?" Pythor just flicked his tongue in annoyance, not wanting to stay at the amusement park any longer than he had to. "You there with the shovel!" He yelled to the nearest serpent. "Hurry up and follow me! Lets get this over with already!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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