Chapter Three

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The trio arrived at Casper high school five minutes before the bell rang, and would've made it to class on time had it not been for a certain jock.

"Hey Fentina! Catch!" Dash threw his football as hard as he could at Danny, and ended up hitting him square on the head. Danny glared at Dash and Kwan as they ran past laughing. Deciding that he didn't want Dash to get away with his bullying, Danny shot a small ectoray at a sign in front of them saying "No stopping at any time." Dash and Kwan failed to see the sign falling in front of them, and ended up tripping over it. 

Danny ran over to them and dropped the sign in front of them. "No stopping at any time nitwits." Danny ran off with a huge smirk on his face, leaving the two on the floor glaring at him.

"Nice move Danny." Tucker ran up to him and high-fived him as he and Sam caught up to the ghost boy. "Although, Dash is gonna get you back for that."

"Yeah I know Sam. But I've had enough of Dash constantly bullying me and it's about time I've done something about it. Now let's get going or we're going to be late for history."

The trio ran the rest of the way to school, and made it in to their lesson one second before the bell rang, and groaned in frustration when they saw Mr Lancer in the room.

"Mr Fenton, Mr Fowley and Miss Mason. A second later and I would have to put you in detention for being late. Make your way to your seats." The trio made their way to their seats after muttering sorry's to Mr Lancer. "Okay class, as Mrs Gordon is away on holiday, I will be taking over her lessons for the next today." The class groaned in frustration when they realized that they would have Lancer for both English and History. They liked Mrs Gordon as she talked a lot, and would often waste the whole lesson talking about some random thought in her head.

"Everyone please be quiet. Mr Baxter, Kwan, why are you late?" Lancer asked Dash as he burst into the classroom. The two glared in Danny's direction before muttering that they overslept. "Right, go to your seats. You two can see me after class." The two walked to their seats, and if looks could kill, Danny would be a full ghost by now.

"Okay, today, we will be learning about the history of our motherland, Ninjago. Can anybody tell me the person who created Ninjago?" Lancer waited patiently for his now quiet class to answer the question.

"It's the first spinjitzu master." Danny heard someone whisper right next to his ear, and almost jumped out of his seat.

"Morro? What are you doing here?" Danny looked around for his ghostly friend, who was currently invisible. "I was bored, so I decided to join you at school."

"Mr Fenton! As you're talking so much, I'm guessing you know the answer to my question. Who created Ninjago?"

"The first spinjitzu master?" Danny looked to Morro for approval, who gave him a thumbs up. Danny then looked to Mr Lancer, who was slightly shocked that he go the answer right. "That is correct. The man who created Ninjago, and the rest of the world is in fact known as the first spinjitzu master. Now can anyone tell me..." The rest of the lesson dragged on, with Morro giving Danny answers to all of Lancer's questions, Lancer getting suspicious of Danny, and Dash glaring holes into Danny's head for the rest of the lesson. 

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell rung signalling the end of class and everyone began packing up. "Before all of you go, I want you to take a permission slip for a field trip on Friday. And good work today Mr Fenton. I hope you do just as well in the test next Wednesday. And don't forget to do the homework!" Danny gulped and let out a nervous smile, but was shoved to the floor when Dash and Kwan tried to get out of the classroom without Lancer seeing. 

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