𝒜 𝒯𝓊𝓃𝑒 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒜 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝒹 (𝟦)

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Now let's see where did that beam came.

Recap End


Hawks P.O.V

hmm I know that beam is close to here but where did it come from. Wait, is that a child? what is he doing here? Is he the one who made that beam?

3rd P.O.V

As Hawks approached the child he noticed that the boy was sound asleep so he did not make any kind of noise so that he would not wake the child in his sleep. So Hawks just waited for the boy to wake up and ask him about the beam   if his the one who made it and ask him what he is doing inside a forest all alone.

(Few hours later)

Hawks P.O.V

'Poke, poke, poke'  I keep poking this kid with this stick I found near me to wake him up but....................."WAKE UPPPPPPP!!!!".

Orpheus P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt something poking me but I ignored it and I just let it go and for a while it just stopped all of a sudden then suddenly someone shouted next to me so I suddenly jumped away from the stranger and was ready to fight whoever shouted next to me and I saw that its a guy who shouted at me these guy had an average height with a slim and narrow build. He has feathery ash blonde hair swept messily backward with some of the front tufts sticking up in arcs above his head, notably thick eyelashes, and some faint stubble on his chin. He also had large bright red wings with feathers that gradually lengthen the further down they go. "Who are you???" I said activating my quirk which made music notes appeared circling me as an act of protection. The guy just kept his stare at me without doing or saying anything. " answer me who are you and what are you doing here?" I told/ask him but he still didn't answer me so I gathered some music notes and I fired them towards him but he counter my attacks using two of his feathers which became a swords and slash my music notes I was shocked about what he just did so I move back then he speak.

Hawks P.O.V

Who are you? Ask the kid to me while activating his quirk which made music notes appeared surroundung him as if they're protecting him from me. He ask me again who I am and what I'm doing here but I didn't answer him again then he gathered some of his misic notes and fired them at me so I slash them using two of my feathers which I turn to swords he seem shock on what I did and move back. "Hey kid what'cha doin out here in these forest all alone? Are you lost or something?" I asked "oh and don't worry Im not going to hurt you Im just here to ask you something. Are you the one who fired that beam up to the sky a few hours ago?" I asked but he didn't answer it looks like his hesitating to answer me "don't worry kid I won't do anything bad so you don't have to hesitate" I told him and his eyes widen from what I just told. "So kid are you gonna answer my question?" I asked him and he nodded.

Orpheus P.O.V

"Yes, Im the one who made that beam a few hours ago and sorry if I hurt you accidently but pls don't hurt me" I said "its ok kid and don't worry about it. Now will you answer my other question? What are you doing out here all alone?" He asked me but I don't know if I should trust him. "You can trust me kid you can tell me anything and I can help you if you need help so can you tell me your answer in my question?" He told me. "Ok I trust you" I said to him.


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