Royal Burden

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Ekaee soared above the canopies, carrying Rachael on his talons. Flying through the beautiful moonlight landscape. His red cape fluttering around like his wings, hearing the sound of his cape was just perfect. Glowing fruits and insects dot his home like the stars above. Hearing the songs of massive birds, ringing through the air. There was a reason why he loved the night time.

Looking below him was Rachael, giggling as they stretched their arms out like a bird. Their golden curly hair flowing back, with their yellow dress fluttering like wings. The joy coming from Rachael was infection.

    "So you think you're a bird now?"
    "Yes I am!"
    "Alright then!"

Tossing Rachael forward into the sky, they screamed and flailed around. Rising just a few feet above Ekaee, before rapidly hurling towards the trees. Flailing their limbs in a panic. Right before they were able to hit the canopy, Ekaee flew under them and grabbed them.

Rachael looked up at him and gave a rather sour face.

    "Not funny!"
    "What? Didn't you say you're a bird?"
    "Fine I'm not a bird!"
    "Looks like you got the case of Wekeroo!"
    "Weke... wha?"
"He's a mythical human who thought he was a bird! So he jumped off a cliff and..."

Ekaee choked up a bit, the Wekeroo joke might have not been the best. So he had to find a way to make it not that awkward.

    " can fill in the gaps."

He still received a sour look from them, yeah his idea to throw them was a bad move. However before he could do anything else, Rachael shouted to him.

    "Below you! That's my home!"

Ekaee looked down and there it was! Rachael's village! Then suddenly it hit him, there was a rather big problem with getting them home. He knew most humans hated karkans, for good reasons though. After all, his kind did some questionable stuff towards them. Plus he didn't want conflict tonight, nor Rachael to no longer visit.

Carefully he formulated a plan to get them home, looking at all the possible nearest places to land. However he did need some input, especially from his ride.

    "Rachael, where's your home?"
    "The big one... wait I won't tell you!"
    "Wow really? I have to be somewhere important soon!"
    "Nah! You have to say a couple words first!'

Ekaee gave out a little sigh, they really didn't want to give up.

    "Fine... I'm sorry."
    "Good! Anyways it's the big one on the mountain!"

Catching a glimpse of the home, he formulates a better plan now. He would land on the large tree next to it, slowly descending upon it. Landing perfectly onto a branch, perching with the claws on his wing. Slowly lowering Rachael... suddenly he heard a loud squawk.

A bastard bird leaps towards him, shining it's massive glowing crest in his face. Slapping him with it's massive wings, causing Ekaee to drop Rachael by accident as he was being assaulted. Annoyed, he uses his feet to push away the jerk.

Landing onto the ground, checking up on Rachael. Who sat up and gave him another sour look, he chuckles nervously a bit as they stand up. Walking away towards the house, turning back for a second to look at him.

    "Those birds serve you right!" They teased.

Ekaee grinned a little on the inside. Leaping to the sky once again to fly back home. Quickly pulling out a map from his bag, jotting down where Rachael lived. On it he draws a little star, placed back in his bag.
Soaring once again over canopies filled with stars. The night was a delight to his senses, an unexplainable yet familiar joy. Every little detail of the night was just beautiful.

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