4 Thursday

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My mom came into my room and turned on the lights and said Abby and Andy its time to get up. Me and Andy growled lowly and my mom started laughing and she walked out and closed the door. Andy yawned and stretched and so did I Andy said so I talked to my parents and they are coming to my graduation.

I said that's amazing he said I also talked to my parents and we got all of our issues sorted out. I smiled and said good I'm glad you did and I gave him a kiss and I got out of bed. Andy sighed and said no don't leave me and I started laughing and shook my head.

I yawned and stretched and groaned fuckkkk Andy got out of bed and we both walked out of my room. Me and Andy both went into my bathroom and we brushed our hair and teeth and also used the restroom. Me and Andy walked out of the bathroom and walked back into my room.

Andy headed downstairs and helped my mom clean a little bit. I changed for the day and sprayed some body spray on and put on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and bag and yawned and headed downstairs. I closed my door and headed downstairs and said I'm ready my mom said ok give me a second.

A couple minutes later we all walked out of the house and my mom locked the front door. Andy ran over to the front passenger side door and I laughed and shook my head. My mom unlocked the car and we all got in and she locked the car.

We all buckled up and my mom turned on the car and started driving out of the neighborhood. I looked out the window my mom and Andy talked the whole way to school. I said I think we have to do practice for graduation tomorrow Andy said yea I think so.

After my mom dropped off me and Andy she left and headed home. Me and Andy walked up the stairs and headed into the building. I sighed and said tomorrow is the last fucking day of school. Andy said I know and he smiled and walked inside behind me.

Me and Andy walked into class smiling widely people were staring at us and laughing together and  rolling their eyes. Me and Andy sat down in our seats Lilly smiled and said school is almost over. I smiled and said I know I can't believe it she smiled and said yea me too.

The bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats the morning announcements came on. The principle announced SENIORS TOMORROW GET HERE EARLY SO WE CAN PRACTICE FOR GRADUATION SATURDAY HAVE A GOOD THURSDAY. The morning announcements ended and I texted my mom and let her know that and she said ok sounds good.

The whole day we got our assignments back that we did yesterday. We all ended up getting to spray shaving cream on our desk and having fun. In our other classes we had little parties and got snacks and cupcakes and watched movies. In gym we got to play cards against humanity which was extremely hilarious.

A little while later the bell rung and everyone got up and walked out of the school building. Me and Andy got into my moms car and we dropped him off. Me and my mom got home and cleaned the house and ate dinner then we went upstairs to go to sleep early.

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