13 Thursday

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I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched I heard my mom snoring lightly. I got out of bed and walked over to Andys bathroom and used it then walked out. I yawned and stretched and headed downstairs I had to be extremely careful since every one was sleeping.

I headed downstairs and saw Andy sleeping peacefully on the couch. Cc and Ashley were also sleeping on the couch as well. I yawned and walked over to the fridge and got something to drink. I sat on the floor beside the couch and ate a snack and drank some water.

I headed upstairs after I threw my snack away. Andy woke up as I was walking up the stairs Andy said love you Abby. I said love you too Andy and I continued walking into his room. I got into his room and used the restroom and climbed into bed and fell asleep again.

A little while later my moms alarm went off and I woke up and groaned fuckkkk. My mom turned off her alarm and I heard every one else's alarms going off. I yawned and stretched and got out of bed. Me and my mom both used the restroom then headed downstairs.

Cc was awake and making every one coffee. Andy said I don't wanna be awake right now Ashley said shut the fuck up Andrew I'm trying to sleep. Andy said fuck you Asher and he threw a pillow Andy and Ashley both stood up and started yelling at each other.

I yelled ITS 4 IN THE GOD DAMN MORNING BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT DOWN. They both went quiet and sat down I said Jesus Christ children I shook my head and said morning Cc. People came downstairs and said good morning and they yawned and stretched.

We all drank coffee to help is wake up the guys were packing the cars and getting them ready. The guys also quickly left and went to get gas then they were coming back home. A little while later the guys came back we all quickly used the restroom then left.

Cc locked the front door and we all got into our cars. Me my mom and Andy were in the car Lillys family was already heading to Florida. A couple minutes later my mom locked the car and we buckled up. My mom was setting up the GPS a couple minutes later we left every one else had already left.

My mom turned on the radio while we were leaving the neighborhood. I plugged my ear buds in and turned on music and went back to sleep while my mom drove. A little while later we stopped to get gas and use the restroom. We all got out to stretch and go to the bathroom I walked out of the restroom.

I was walking past a guy and he whistled and I turned around he said damn babe that ass is fat. Andy laughed and said back off the guy turned around and Andys eyes were pitch black. The guy said sorry and quickly walked past Andy I shook my head and we walked out of the gas station.

A little while later we continued driving to Florida my mom picked us up food and we ate while driving. A couple of hours later Andy decided to drive the rest of the way. My mom slept in the passenger side and I layed down in the back seat and listened to music while I slept.

A couple of hours later Andy said oh ladies we are here me and my mom woke up and yawned and stretched. A couple minutes later my mom went inside and got our keys I sat up and put my phone in my purse. Everyone else got here a couple minutes later I yawned and me and Andy talked about random shit.

A little while later we all got our bags and put them in our room. My mom was going to sleep with Andys parents our parents insisted on it. Me and Andy got to share a room which is extremely nice. Andy opened our door and we both walked in and he closed the door.

Andy put our bags down and went to the restroom I walked around the room and smiled. The bed was extremely comfortable I walked over to the window and smiled. The view was absolutely beautiful Andy walked out of the restroom and I walked into the restroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom and washed my hands and walked out and turned off the lights. Andy said we are just picking up food today I said like room service. Andy said yea kinda since its really late I said ok. Andy ordered food and I changed into Pj's.

After Andy ordered he went into the bathroom and changed I sprayed some body spray on. I climbed into bed and drank my drink until the food came. Andy came into the room and someone knocked on the door and he answered it. Andy got the food and he walked over to bed and put the food down.

Andy looked for a movie on his laptop and I started eating. We ate food and watched a movie for a while after we ate we threw our trash away. A little while later I brushed my teeth and used the restroom and climbed into bed. Andy went to bed a little while later and I fell asleep on Andys chest.

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