12 Wednesday

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I woke up to a really strange noise I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and walked over to my window. I saw Jason pick up a girl and she was screaming he slit her throat and blood spewed every where I gaged and turned around.

I said dude what the fuck its like 3 am can you not kill people right now. I sighed and went to use the restroom then headed back into my bed room and closed my door. I climbed into bed and fell back asleep for the night.

A couple of hours later I woke up to the sound of my mom cooking downstairs. I yawned and stretched and walked back over to my window the trees were covered in blood I said ew that's fucking gross. I walked over to my door and opened it and jumped and said hey Andy.

He laughed and gave me a hug I walked past him and headed into the bathroom and used it. I walked into the hallway and grabbed Andys arm he said huh I said I saw Jason kill someone last night. Andy sighed and shook his head and said what the fuck I'm also not surprised.

I let him go and said yea me too me and Andy headed downstairs and ate breakfast with my mom. We all talked about plans for the trip tomorrow. Andy said how about you guys come over tonight so we can all leave tomorrow. My mom said are you sure Andy said yea sure I bit my lip and said I don't know.

Andy said Abby its fine a little while later after we had a slighty heated discussion Andy won me over. A couple of hours later I finished packing my bag and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs. We all walked out of the house and my mom locked the front door.

Andy helped us to pack our car and we all got in and buckled up. My mom locked the car and turned on the car and we started driving to Andys house. A little while later we got to Andys house and we all got out my mom locked the car.

We all walked inside Andy locked the front door and we yawned. Andy said alright guys we are leaving at 4 am we all hung out downstairs with Andys roommates. A little while later me and my mom went into Andys room and went to bed after we used the restroom. I plugged my phone in and layed down every one set their alarm for tomorrow morning.

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