A couple minutes later the teacher locked the door and walked over to his desk and looked for the attendance sheet on his computer. He said ok found it and started taking attendance for the day and sent it to the principal.

The teacher said alright we are taking notes today so get out a notebook and pencil. Everyone took out paper and something to write with. The teacher stood at the board and started writing on it and telling us to write down what he puts.

Everyone immediately started writing down notes i yawned while writing notes. Andy ended up falling asleep i shook my head and mumbled fuck I have to write his notes later.

I tried waking him up but he kept growling lowly and didn't wake up. I bit my lip and shook my head and continued writing notes. A little while later everyone finished writing down notes and we all picked up our notebooks.

I slapped andys neck and he immediately shot up and said what the fuck Abby I was sleeping. I said well class is almost over and you have to write a lot of notes later. Andy rolled his eyes and yawned and stretched and said nope.

I started laughing and shook my head and said well ok Mr. Break the rules. Andy started laughing and said yep sounds about right. Andy picked up his pencil and notebook and yawned and stretched.

I said so we are going home together Andy smiled and said hell yea and I started laughing and shook my head. A couple minutes later class ended and everyone got up and walked out of class.

I ended up being all the way in the back Lilly Andy and Jackson were all the way in the front. I sighed while walking out of class a guy walked up to me and said hello. I smiled and said hi he said my name is James I smiled and said my name is Abby.

He smiled and said nice and we started talking while walking out of class together. He was tall and had short brown hair and green eyes. He had a nose and lip piercing. James said so who is that guy that sits on the right of you.

I said Andy he said um is that his name I laughed and said yea he said ok cool how do you know him. I said well we went to high school together and we had a relationship aka dated he said ok cool.

I said so me and Andy are engaged now James said no way cool and I showed him my ring. He smiled and said wow thats pretty I smiled and said thanks. A couple minutes later me and James finally got out of class.

I sighed and said where the fuck is Andy Lilly and Jackson they were no where in sight. James ended up walking me to my next class I said thanks he said no problem and walked away.

Andy walked out of the classroom and said Abby who the fuck was that James turned around and said hey my name is James. Andy said why were you talking to my fiancee I said well all of you guys left me behind in class.

Andy looked at me and said oh shit my bad and I said and um you didn't even bother looking for me. I said well Jason could have just easily taken my ass and you wouldn't have known. Andy growled lowly and I rolled my eyes and scoffed and walked away from him.

Andy looked at James and said thank you for walking with her James smiled and said no of course. James walked away and Andy walked into class Lilly ran over to me and gave me a hug and kissed my shoulder.

I started laughing and said hi lmaooo she said Abby I'm so fucking sorry for leaving you behind. I said Lilly I'm fine and I gave her a hug and pulled back he sighed and said no I feel terrible.

I said well thats good that you feel awful she laughed and said um duh bestie you are my literal life. I pulled back and said I forgive you Lilly she smiled and said good I'm glad.

Andy walked up behind us and put his hand on my waist. I let go of Lilly and turned around Andy said Abby look I'm sorry I left you behind and I'm happy someone walked with you to class.

I walked over to Andy and wrapped my arms around his neck and said I love you. Andy said I love you too Abby and he leaned down and kissed me. I smiled and pulled back and bit my lip and winked at him.

Andy started laughing and shook his head and said god you are such a fucking mess I love you more than anything in the whole world. I smiled widely and got on my tippy toes and kissed him and he started laughing against my lips.

I got off my tippy toes and walked over to my desk and sat down. Lilly walked over to me and gave me a hug and walked up the stairs and sat in her desk.

Jackson sat down next to me and said I'm sorry Abby for leaving you I laughed and said its fine he smiled and said ok. I gave him a hug and said I forgive you he smiled and said ok good.

Andy lifted up my face and kissed me and smiled and said I fucking love you babe. I smiled and said I fucking love you too Andy and he kissed my forehead and said ok. I started laughing and he started kissing my cheek.

A couple of minutes later the teacher locked the door and walked over to her desk. She laughed and said ok Andy you can stop kissing your wife and sit down. Andy looked at the teacher and growled lowly I started laughing and shook my head.

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