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(Y/n) Pov

The sun was shining past the window and onto my face. I groaned in frustration and move the covers off me and stood up from my bed. I was a morning person before but after a few months, mornings are such a bitch, I can't even open my eyes from a single glare of light. I look at my phone and it is seven in the morning. 

(Y/n): God dammit... 

With a sigh out of my lips, I stretch my arms and walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast for myself, but there isn't anything I could eat because of the amount of money I have left. So I put some bread on the toaster and cooked some leftovers. It doesn't put up a percentage but it's better than nothing.

(Y/n): Damn, I'm running out of food quickly...

I heard a ringing on my phone. I look at my phone and it is my girlfriend Scarlet. 

(Y/n): Looks like my boss isn't the only one who is on my ass.

It's really good to see her in the morning. She always brightens my day with a call every morning. I chuckled before answering my phone. 

Scarlet: Good morning. You are up very early.

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm up at... what time is it?

Scarlet: You dummy, it's seven in the morning.

(Y/n): Right right, I forgot. I'm not a morning person anymore.

Scarlet: Anyways, it's almost the weekend and I was thinking we could spend time together after you are done with work.

(Y/n): Great, maybe after six?

Scarlet: Sounds good. I'll see you tonight. Maybe I'll give you a special surprise.~

(Y/n): Haha, I'll be looking forward to it. See you there. 

Scarlet: Bye-bye.~

I hang up and ate some toast. It has been almost two years since we spend time together. As I said before, it's not much, but it's better than nothing.

Timeskip After School

After a whole lot of nothing but bullying. You all know how it goes since you read "x bullied male reader", and "x neglected male reader." You get bullied, you tried to fight for yourself, and then... yada yada. I get in trouble and I am suspended for a month but hey, what the hell? I don't give a shit about College but anyways it's doing nothing but waste my time. I went to work. I was ten minutes late as usual.

(Y/n): Oh boy, what does Mr. Time Bomb have in store for me?

When I entered the office, I was met with an angry man who I know is my boss. To be fair, even after two weeks of applying for this job, he's been really on my ass and I don't even know what the big deal is. It's probably because of "him"...

Andrew: What the hell were you doing Mr. MacTavish?! 

(Y/n): I was trying to get College done today and-

Andrew: Enough, I had enough of your excuses! Do you know what time it is?!

(Y/n): It's... 3:16 pm.

Andrew: When were you supposed to be here?!

(Y/n): 3:00

Andrew: 3:00!! You were fifteen minutes late!! 

(Y/n): Look, I had to deal with my-

Andrew: Shut up!! Get your ass to work!! One more word and you're fired! Do I make myself clear!?

(Y/n): Up your fucking ass.

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