One Shot, One Kill

492 12 1

3rd Pov

Captain MacMillan and "Leftenant" Price wait on the top floor of the hotel. The clock shows time passing by. They are positioned on the top floor of a hotel across the target area.

Cpt. MacMillan: Leftenant Price, the meeting is underway. Enemy transport sighted entering the target area.

Price mans the M82 .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle. He looks through the scope and zooms into the target area where Ultranationalists have gathered.

Cpt. MacMillan: The wind's gettin' a bit choppy. You can compensate for it, or you can wait it out, but he might leave before it dies down. It's your call. Remember what I've taught you. Keep in mind variable humidity and wind speed along the bullet's flight path. At this distance, you'll also have to take the Coriolis Effect into account.

Zakhaev is seen coming out of a vehicle with a briefcase filled with gold.

Cpt. MacMillan: Ok... I think I see him. Wait for my mark. Target acquired. I have a positive I.D. on Imran Zakhaev. Steady...keep an eye on that flag. Watch for any change in wind speed and direction.

Zakhaev is seen making a deal with the soldiers, wanting stashes of weapons and nuclear material for the gold. Price can see the flag waving left and right with the wind, which he can use if he decides to take the shot early by applying the Coriolis Effect to take out Zakhaev. Suddenly, a helicopter will fly in front of them.

Cpt. MacMillan: Ach, where did he come from? Patience laddie... Wait for a clear shot...

The helicopter flies away. Price continues to aim at Zakhaev. Zakhaev can be seen talking with his dealers, he raises his arms in frustration as if there was something wrong with the deal. The flag can be seen gradually becoming still as the wind settles, making it easier for him to take the shot. Price clenches his sniper tightly and sweat bullets are appearing.

Cpt. MacMillan: It's now or never, take the shot!

Price fires the rifle, making the bullet tears off Zakhaev's left arm. The Ultranationalists are immediately alerted upon seeing Zakhaev get his arm amputated but don't know where the shot came from and immediately clear out in a panic.

Cpt. MacMillan: Nice shot. I think you blew his arm off. Shock and blood loss will take care of the rest.

The helicopter from before reappears, having seen where Price shot from, and moves in to attack from close range.

Cpt. MacMillan: Shit... they're onto us! Take out that helicopter, it'll buy us some time!

Price fires at the helicopter, killing the pilot, and it goes down in flames. The cockpit windshield turns red as the pilot's blood splatters on the inside of the glass.

Cpt. MacMillan: Great shot Leftenant! Now let's go! They'll be searching for us! It's time to move! We'll have to take the shortcut! Follow my lead!

MacMillan and Price rappel out of the hotel as two more helicopters fire and blow up the top floor. Price takes out his M21, and they begin to make their way to the LZ.

Cpt. MacMillan: Leftenant Price, follow me! Delta Two-Four, this is Alpha Six! We have been compromised, I repeat we have been compromised, now heading to Extraction Point Four!

Big Bird: Alpha Six, Big Bird is en route. ETA - 20 minutes. Don't be late. We're stretchin' our fuel as it is. Out.

They pass the enemy and run toward an apartment.

Cpt. MacMillan: We'll lose 'em in that apartment! Come on!

They go through the apartment. As they climb a small alley to another apartment, a dog barks up the fence. Price shuts it up by killing it. They move through the apartment. Enemy troops are seen outside.

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