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It took me quite a while to heal from the beating and fight I had after being kidnapped. Now I'm sitting at my desk at home using my old ties with the FBI to hunt down any remaining person who worked with Zobelle. 

While I was healing I told Happily and Jax about what happened after I questioned them about what they were doing the day I was taken.

And like all the other times before when I asked the same question they gave me their favorite reply. "handling club business."

When I asked them what was going on with Gemma and Able they couldn't tell me and Jax said he'd find out what happened there.

After that I let them know what happened. and they told me they'd take care of it not to worry.

But I'm gonna handle it cause it was my life they were trying to take. and it was my body that took the damn hits and shit not theirs. so it's gonna be me to finish the rest off.

In a way, I feel like a dirty crocked cop but the more I debate about it the more I know its not dirty or crocked its making she no one else is ever gonna go through the beats and shit I had while kidnapped so I'm more so in a way being a hero.

Once I had all the information I needed I started working on forming a plan but I made damn sure no one knew anything about it. 

 Once it was all planned I just had to wait for the day to come then put it in action.

 I picked the day Gemma was gonna watch Abel so I'd not have to worry about his protection or anything.

 I didn't let anything be known and I never acted like I was up to something.

Though I know once it's all said and done the guys will probably be upset. and my boys will be pissed at me and We will probably fight and shit but at the moment I don't really care.


A/N: gonna be a short story & possible time skips so be aware.

Burning desire (completed)  (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now