Chapter 5

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Hey, loves!
In this chapter, there is mention of male infertility and unsafe sex.
Be safe and be wise!

As always, bless you, Jesse_Winter_Soldier , for the beta read!

As always all mistakes are my own!

Erica sat in the lounge with Pepper and Rico, eating lunch and waiting for Hannah, the realtor, to call. She had bid for the house this morning. They had agreed to offer what the seller had requested; it was a good investment in an excellent neighborhood. If they ever wanted to sell down the line, they could quickly get their money back and then some.

"So, how many did you look at before choosing that one?" Rico asked before taking a big bite of his salad.

"So many!" Pepper shook her head, shaking up her salad bowl.

Erica pushed her salad around the bowl. "Bucky and I looked at two; Pepper and I looked three." She shrugged, "I like two others; one was a four-bedroom brownstone." She paused to sip her water, "I wasn't sure what we would do with that much room, and Bucky didn't want to live in the city."

Rico nodded, taking a sip of his iced tea. "I can understand not wanting neighbors." He shook his head fondly, "I don't think a day goes by that Andrea isn't wanting to move out of our apartment. We have some hella awful neighbors." He sat his tea down, stabbing his salad, getting ready for another bite. "So, you went with the cul de sac?" he asked, confirming.

Erica nodded. "It's perfect." She picked her phone up, handing it over to show him pictures.

Rico hummed his approval while chewing."Damn, that kitchen is on point.", he commented.

Pepper leaned over. "Did you see the open shelving? I can't get over how nice it is."

Rico nodded, handing the phone back, "Those walls won't stay white for long." He winked at Erica, "You and Barnes would make some pretty cute babies."

Pepper chewed carefully, glancing over at Erica, who had stopped pushing her salad around.

Rico paused mid-bite, looking at the two women. "What?"

With a sigh, Erica carefully and discreetly explained. While healing in Wakanda, Bucky was informed by Shuri that he was more than likely sterile from all the experimenting and medication Hydra had kept pumped into him. They had been sexually active for over a year, and more times than not, they never used protection. She hadn't talked about it much after Bucky had told her around six months of dating. It wasn't until after their first anniversary that she spoke to Sarah, Pepper, and Natasha. Natasha wasn't surprised; she explained what she had gone through in the Red Room.

Thank whatever deity was out there listening because before Rico or Pepper could say anything, Erica's phone rang.

Hannah's name popped up on her screen.

"Excuse me!" Erica said quickly, scrambling from the chair. She walked towards the window, sliding the screen over to answer. "Hello!"

"Hey Erica, it's Hannah. How are you?" Hannah's bright, happy voice rang through the phone.

"Hey! I'm good.", Erica said, trying to contain her excitement.

"Great, hey listen, oh is now a good time to talk?" Hannah asked.

Erica looked over her shoulder, seeing Bucky walk into the lounge with Sam. They made eye contact; she waved him over.

"Yeah, now is perfect.", Erica replied.

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