Chapter 13

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Sorry for not writing and uploading, reasons are in my Thorne x Sinetrea book's last chapter. Anyways, hope you enjoy this long-awaited chapter.

At AOV world
"I'm just going easy on you, that's why I'm losing." Said Allain.

"No that's not!" Yelled Butterfly.

"I can fly and shoot fireballs, of course I'm going easy."

"Fine, my sword fighting is better than yours still."


A servant arrived at the door to the training grounds, he said "Your Majesty, King Thane wishes to meet you at his study."

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Replied Allain.

Allain went to Thane's study, and as he walked in was immediately welcomed by Thane.

"So why did you want to meet me here?" Asked Allain as he sat.

"You remember I promised to kill Quillen after all he has done to you?"


"Well my soldiers found his base recently, and I was wondering if you would like to come for the attack on your kidnapper. It's not like you wouldn't like revenge."

"Uhh... Sure!"

"Great! Be sure to call Butterfly to come with because we will need her."


I wonder how I was kidnapped by Quillen... Thought Allain as we walked to his room. Must've snuck into the training school. But why?

Meanwhile in Hyrule... (Look at a online map if you wanna know where they are and don't have the game)

Link brought Kirito to the Dueling Peaks stable to get a horse. Link rode Epona and Kirito rode Scout, a horse Link rode before he ridden Epona.

As they rode to Hyrule Castle, they could already see it from Outpost Ruins.

"Wait, it's still rebuilding from the Calamity attack thing?" Asked Kirito.

"Yup, it should be finished in a few days."

"Great, great..."

"We just finished asking the races for help like just a few weeks ago after all."


"Yeah, there's the Zoras, Gorons, Gerudo, and Ritos. Zoras are like fish with lungs, Gorons are basically giant rocks living in Death Mountain that eat rocks, The Gerudo are tall women that live in a town that doesn't let men in, and the Ritos are just birds. They're all nice except for the asinine Rito champion."

"Oh, but the champions including the Rito champion died while the Calamity thing happened, right?"

"Yup, I was one of them until I awoke in the Shrine of Resurrection 100 years later."

"What's the Shrine of Resurrection?"

"It's a special place where I was placed for a hundred years. There was a bed thing there, which covered me with some liquid thingy, from what I heard from the princess telling me. I guess that's what saved me, but I did lose my memories from before, I just remember some parts after going to the places I've been."

"At least you recovered some of your memories."


They rode into Hyrule Castle and Zelda immediately welcomed them in.

"Who's this?" Zelda asked.

"This is my friend, Kirito." Replied Link.

"Nice to meet you, Your Highness." Said Kirito as he bowed.

"No need to be formal to me, any friend of Link's is one of mine."

"How's the castle going?" Asked Link.

"It's fine, but faster than I expected to be complete. It's the day after tomorrow."

"I thought you said a few weeks!" Kirito exclaimed.

"I'm not always right." Said Link.

"Your Majesty, there are some people that would like to meet you in Tarrey town." Said a messenger.

"I should probably get going, bye guys."

"I should also get to the portal that leads to my house." Said Kirito as she left.

"Okay, it's in my room, follow me."

Link led Kirito to his room and Kirito went back to the Anime world.

Short chapter I know, I've been busy with school work and have merely any time to write my stories. Blame school.

Link brings Kirito to Hyrule Castle and Kirito meets Zelda, then he goes back to the Anime world. In AOV world Allain gets called to Thane and he announces his soldiers found Quillen's base and asks Allain to help kill Quillen. He accepts and is told to tell Butterfly to come along for the attack.

Three heroes (An AOV, SAO and BOTW crossover)Where stories live. Discover now