Close Call ( One-shot)

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Life was difficult for me, born in a small family of a lower-middle-class family, I didn't get to experience a smooth life. It was my dream to finish my studies and start work where I would finally be able to help my family out.

Thankfully life took pity on good old me. I passed with an above-average grade, got into a local college and graduated in my prime. 

My childhood friend Ben, with whom I spent my high school years, had contacted me for a job opportunity. It was a salesman position and applying for it wasn't so hard. The labour part was arduous, but the pay was reasonable.

"Hey Josh, I got some leftovers from my mom's cooking–let's share it!" Now here Ben came back from his lunch break. Honestly, the man hadn't changed since high school, he still was a happy go lucky individual.

"Sure, I'm hungry as well." I agreed and we both had lunch together.

Life was simple for me, I hoped it would stay this way till I retire in the future.

My only friends at that time were Ben and Josh. With their support, I progressively commenced interacting with other colleagues. 

That was when I came across Nick and Mark. Our bond gradually evolved and we all became a group of great friends during our tale. 

Altogether we lived in the same district, weekends were the only time we could hang out. Saturdays were consecrated for outings or trips in the countryside where Ben had a house.  

On a particular Friday evening, the sun had already set as it was during the beginning of winter. We had scheduled an outing between us colleagues after work. After I had finished university, I joined a nearby enterprise. We planned to drive to a gas station and from then on we would go together to Ben's farmhouse. I was 22 at that time and being part of a group of four men in their mid-20s, nothing seemed unnatural. 

As the clock turned towards 6 pm, some of my colleagues started departing towards our meeting point. I was trustworthy for shutting down the office. I had to remain there for a few endless minutes. 



A sudden footstep sound made me flinch in fright. 

I peeped through the window and noticed someone near my car in that deserted parking lot. The possibility of a burglar or criminal nearby encompassing my thoughts.

The person was wearing a hoodie with stale jeans. He looked in his 50s and was strolling back and forth near my vehicle. I began being uncomfortable, I wanted to tell this man to walk away from my car. Was I being an introvert or simply panicking for no reason. I finished off locking the front door and left towards my car. I glared around my car for a whole to detect if someone implemented something to my car. I sat down in the driver's seat, checked the rear window and everything appeared normal. I drove off towards the destination I was given by Ben, I was already delayed and had to rush there. 

I never had heard of that gas station, so I utilized a navigation app to drive there. 20 minutes into the drive, a sudden traffic jam arose, it was written in the stars, I will certainly miss our outing. I took the next exit that came out, perhaps I will arrive there on time. I looked up to the sky, it was pitch black, the road ahead didn't have any streetlights. It got darker as I went further down the road, the journey was immense, however, the navigation app notified me that I would be there in 15 minutes. 

Suddenly, I heard weird squeaks from my front tyre.

The hissing continued to be heard when I moved any further.

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