Self-reflection ( Part 3)

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I was wiping my eyes using a piece of tissue to verify if I was dreaming or not.
I was quite an introvert. I didn't prefer to socialise or to interact much with people.

" Oh, my days! Fred just come here for once!" I kept on murmuring to myself.

I was quite frightened, sitting at a counter table drinking a few shots peacefully all by myself then suddenly two people approached me.

It seemed that they were searching for a person somewhat similar to that.  I could tell you that they were on a mission.
Most of the time, people go to pubs to consume a bit of alcohol and enjoy themselves.  They weren't there for " enjoyment".

The woman suddenly pulled aside and perhaps went to the washroom. The man approached me and sat next to me. Then our conversation began.

" Hello, how are you?" I politely asked him.

He replied without any hesitations.

" I'm glad you are fine!" I acknowledge what he had just said.

Weirdly he asked me whether I wouldn't mind if he purchased for me a cocktail.

I was delighted, I was like seriously craving some cocktail drink. I just couldn't afford it.
Seems like the luck charm was beside me.

" Yeah sure, Thank you!" I replied to his invitation with a grin on my face.

We exchanged for a bit whilst sipping our respective drinks. So far nothing seemed to be off.

Although kept asking me where I was working. I just replied by saying that I started working a part-time job.

" Well, I'm still a uni student, just working to earn a few extra bucks."

" But why are you not studying full-time" the man began inquiring me.

His name was Alexander, didn't bother asking his age.
That would have been insolent on my part.

" Honestly, I no longer live with my parents, I live with my friend in a small house," I replied to him whilst pointing at Frederick so that he could know who he was.

At that exact moment, I knew I over spoke things.

" Stop disclosing your private info dumbo!" I murmured to myself

There was silence for the upcoming few seconds. I thought of asking him the same. But as soon as I attempted to utter a single word, the woman appeared.
We were all looking at her. She was quite good looking.

She came and sat down on my right-hand side. Without any further dew, Alexander introduced her.

" By the way the girl on your right is Nancy."

" Hey, champ, she's around your age, hehe!"
He whispered into my ears.

I was speechless, I tried my very best not to explode with laughter.
Alexander was pure vibes. He seemed like a person who loves a bit of banter here and there.

I talked with Nancy for a bit, meanwhile, Alexander was on a phone call with one of his close mates.

It was a must! I exchanged phone numbers with Nancy. And there he was Alexander came back to the counter

Well, it was getting late, we had to return home.
" Look,  young man, I'm leaving my business card with you. I want you to come to this address after tomorrow. Okay is it clear?" Alexander instructed me.

I will propose you a deal that will be a huge boon for your current situation.

Here! Take this as a small little gift on my part.

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