Self-reflection ( Part 4)

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The upcoming seconds felt unpleasant. Some dreading moments. I had to take an adequate decision once and for all.

It was so silent, could hear the flies buzzing away. 

" I appreciate the new offer, you've made."

" I'm up for it!"

" I think, it will be a major boon for both of us, thus I accept your offer!"

What a major click! Now the whole atmosphere changed.

We did the common agreement handshake.
That was to sign off the offer. I saw his hand coming towards me, I was aware that he was pleased with my verdict.

" Great! You made a good decision this time."

" You will come across a few bumps during this journey."

" You must be more mature, the way you talk, dress and places you go to"

" From now onwards, you will eat or sleep in different places. I'd say superior class places."

" This job will be rewarding though, you will have to be more discreet from now onwards."

" Here is the pen, make sure to read and acknowledge the contract."

" Okay, sure!"

A few pages of some long scripted words. It was the traditional rules and regulations.
They didn't demand me to disclose any further private details as much, however, I get it, it's already a highly demanding and risky job.

I quickly signed off the deal.

And that was it?
Was it?

We proceeded with some talking and explanations concerning my upcoming tasks. We eventually introduced me to some of his staff members. The crucial one was his assistant.

" If you are ever in trouble with anyone whatsoever, tell him, he will have your back."

I instantly felt like a significant component of their squad. Probably, I was, well who knows. 

" I'm handing you an envelope with some money. This will cover your expenses and leisure expenses."

" Ohh, Thank you! Appreciate it!"

" Don't worry you will be given money quite frequently."
" You will need it"

However, at that, I was already working elsewhere. I had to resign from there so that I could work with Alexander.
Frederick wasn't aware of anything whatsoever,

" Come here tomorrow, I'll explain to you furthermore for your upcoming duties.

I went out happily and walked out of his office. I strolled a bit in that small alleyway, I had some money, and I didn't need to take the bus anymore. Got a cab from there and headed home.
By that time, I hadn't many things to complete. I finished with some pending studies, and eventually, Frederick came back home.

I was living in a residential area with Fredrick. Quite small, however sufficiently enough for a few young people.
Down a few blocks were some shops, where I used to hand out the most. Relatively cheap, although it wasn't safe at all. On numerous occasions, I got threatened by the local thugs for anonymous reasons. They eventually got used to me and did give them a few bucks from time to time to feed their empty stomachs.  

We did have a small garden. I was assigned to regularly clean and cut the deserted grass. I enjoyed this small work. A few blocks away from Frederick's house, I got engaged in cleaning those houses for a few bucks. Well, it was quite time-consuming, however, couldn't complain much.
That day, I was supposed to labour there a bit. I had sufficient money, was it even necessary for me to work picking those dirty leaves and wiping out those rusty mailboxes?

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