Self- reflection ( Part 2)

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On the day of our interview, it was a Monday. Our interview was scheduled for 10 a.m. I was awake at 6 a.m and barely slept throughout the night. Whilst Frederick was exceedingly soundly asleep. I could hear him snore till the bathroom, at this point the neighbours will be awake because of his snores. I just sat on the couch, turned on the Tv and watched some news around the world.


The fridge was deserted apart from those rotten bananas there was just a bottle of water. Throughout the whole night, he was walking back and forth. Neither of us knew about the company nor what will happen on the day of the interview.

I had to stay up till late yesterday night, I had to complete assignments so that I could be available for the next day morning.

It was around 8:45 a.m, I just returned home with bread that I purchased at the local bakery shop. Frederick was finally awake and ready for the interview. We ate the piece of bread and chugged in some water as well. It was 30 minutes walk from our home. And off we go. On our way out, I went out first, Fred had to verify some things before heading out. I was alarmed by the noisy shouts coming from our neighbour's house. I tried approaching their house and heed a bit of their dispute.

I heard two voices. One voice seemed to be a woman's and the other voice seemed to be a man's. I believe it's just a couple's regular dispute. Although I heard on several occasions, the girl screaming and slamming the door. I felt guilty hearing about others' life issues, though it was quite loud and of curiosity, I overheard their conversations.

A few minutes later, I heard Frederick's voice approaching me. Suddenly, the voice disappeared and somebody tapped my shoulders. I flipped out. It was Frederick, he had a rather disgruntled face. He warned me not to approach this couple's house. With no further explanations given, I halted and proceeded to go to our interview. We tiptoed when we left Fred's house, we didn't want others to notice us, otherwise, they'll just gossip around the whole neighbourhood. Frederick's neighbourhood loved gossiping about others. He always tried avoiding them.

On our way out of the neighbourhood, we encountered Mr Jones and Mrs Jones.

" Good morning, young men. Where are you guys heading to?" asked Mr Jones with a grin on his face.

" Morning Mr and Mrs Jones we're just heading to our friend's place, yeah nothing much," said Frederick with discomfort.

We rushed out from there, we were getting late as well. We both wore shirts and trousers for the interview. I didn't fully button my shirt, I didn't want to appear way too formal on the streets. I assured to add some final touches to my outfit before reaching there to make some last final checks.

We didn't know where the office was, we kept on inquiring about the strangers we crossed into.

" Just keep going straight." said most people we bumped into.

At this stage we would run out of the road, we're just going and going without knowing the exact location.

We eventually bumped into a big tall building.
" Let's ask them directions to our interview place," Frederick asked me.

I went in and my gosh it was clean and beautiful inside.

I politely asked the receptionist for directions.
"Sir, this is the office you must be at," she replied with a charming smile.

" Oh is it, well I'm not quite familiar with this area, appreciate your help," I told her.

I was amazed.

She also added that they were awaiting two recruits. I told to my inner self, " I think that's us."
I slowly backed off from the counter with a grin on my face. Frederick was patiently loitering for me to return with some directions in mind to reach our potential workplace. I pushed the door and saw Frederick going back and forth waiting for me whilst watching the time on his watch.
I told him, that was indeed the place we were supposed to attend. I also added that the receptionist told me that they were awaiting two recruits.

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