His neighbour

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(b x b)

Sunlight illuminated the Parisian room pervading the white-walled apartment with sunlight. A narrow slit through the tall window produced a slight breeze wafting pleasantly in the room. Sitting on a lonely piano stall was a young man completely immersed in his element, his slender fingers stroked the piano with ease. Each note glided effortlessly producing a soothing sound. A smile formed on his face as he finished the first part of the song letting it repose in peace. He sat there for a moment soaking in the feeling, countless thoughts ran through his head, each one of them assessing his technique. Sighing at intrusions he picked up the cup of tea and drank it, the warm liquid ran down his throat making him content. The gentle notes of apple and the sweet smell of honey graciously lifted his spirits, true to its name the floral tea reduced his stress. It had been a tiring day for him as he incessantly executed the exertion flawlessly but still, an ounce of uncertainty hung around him thawing his mind. Being the youngest prodigy, he had the utmost pressure exerted upon him which made him doubt his own abilities. He had to be perfect in all fields all the time, a single mistake would mean slander of his capability. The most toxic part was the small voice in his head that kept nagging him to focus on the musical repertoire but the effort and the constant admonishment was taking a toll on him.

He gently placed the cup of tea on the coaster and flexed his slender fingers getting ready to play the next part. Just as he was about to click the first note a song resonated from the other side of the wall. It mellifluously invaded the surroundings creating an invigorating ambience. His eyes closed on their own accord as if he was under a trance and he hummed the melody under his breath. Every nook and crevice of his body energized at the beautiful sound. It went along for 5 minutes but time had no place as it felt perpetual. The masterpiece ended with a beautiful coda and it took him a while to gather himself together.

A foreign thought struck him making him realise that his neighbour had been listening to him play. Feeling a bit self-conscious he ceased rendering choosing to continue his daily tasks. But as he went on the curiosity about the identity of the player hassled him.

The next day when he opened the door to take the newspaper he saw a letter under it. Feeling confused, he opened it setting the newspaper aside. He rarely got mails from people and he was intrigued to know who it was from. He wouldn't exactly call him an introvert but he had been so busy upholding the reputation of a prodigy that he often forgot to socialize with people his own age. A brown paper emerged from the envelope as he lifted it out, the scent of coffee proliferated his senses.

He loved it. The sweet fragrance made him feel at home.

On it written in a neat handwriting were the words 'I like your music'. It was just a simple sentence but the words had a lot of meaning behind it. It was different from the occasional praise he got from people, the usual ones with a hint of obnoxiousness and jealousy behind them. He wasn't ungrateful but after a while it starts to create a dent in your heart causing insignificance to your talent as if you don't matter anymore. The insincerity behind it affected him more than it should. These 4 words weren't like that. A blush formed on his cheeks as he read it over and over again. Feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude he made it sure that his neighbour would receive a batch of his famous delicious strawberry cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting.

The next day with a basket of freshly baked cupcakes he set out to meet his anonymous talented neighbour. Wearing a big smile on his face he knocked the door twice to get his attention. He heard shuffling behind the oak door and a second later it swung open. Grey orbs met his brown ones and for a second he was star struck as he gazed shamelessly at the Adonis like man. A pair of thick black glasses rested on his beautiful face and his brown hair looked like it had been run through a million times. Strands of the unruly brown hair fell on his face accentuating his handsome features even more.

"Can I help you?", a deep voice grumbled making his insides all funny.

"Umm...", he stuttered like a fool. Clearing his throat he put on another big smile ready to introduce himself.

"Hello! My name is Alex. I play the piano", he squeaked out.

The brunette man eyed him up and down. He was the definition of cute. Big brown eyes and button nose made him look like a cartoon character. A blush formed on his chubby cheeks make his heart clench.

Calm down, Grey.

It's just your neighbour. Your overly adorable, cute and handsome neighbour. He mentally scolded himself to have a fucking grip.

"Hello, Alex who plays the piano. What do you want?"

"I-I...uhh..", scratching his forehead he stood there for a while. It ruffled his truffles that just the presence of him made him forget everything. His eyes flickered to the basket he was clutching and his eyes lit up. He was here to give cupcakes. Damn the beautiful man for making him all hot and bothered. It truly was a travesty.

The tall man watched him intently as he fumbled around with the cupcakes. A smile threatened to break out of his face at the adorable actions.

"Here you go, I made a batch of strawberry cupcakes to say thank you for the note", he handed him the big basket excitedly.

The grey-eyed man picked it up slowly lifting it to his eye level inspecting the substance like a precious jewel. The sweet smell of the sugary dessert emerged from them making his mouth water.

Alex waited out patiently trying to decipher his emotions but failed to do so. His gaze flitted to his jawline, so smooth and sharp. Thick eyelashes encased his beautiful sugary grey eyes that seemed to sparkle now


He sighed at his beautiful form. Suddenly his neighbour's eyes flickered to him making him straighten up. A blush formed on his cheeks as he hoped that incessant staring wouldn't be noticeable.

"Thank you," he said gently. He lowered his voice down adoration was clearly written in his eyes as he stared at the captivating sight in front of him. Grey knew that he could come off as cold and stern and he didn't care but for some reason, he felt that he should be gentle with him.

Bless his heart. He's making my fucking mind go crazy.

"You're welcome", he smiled genuinely dimples forming on his cheeks.

They stood there for a while staring at each other. Alex was the first one to break the gaze clearing his throat awkwardly. He could feel his cheeks get warm at the intensity of his stare.

"Would you like to come in?"

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