(1) Go Out With Me

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14 years ago 

"Okay class settle down." Mrs Martin said as she shut the classroom door. 

Second period English had begun on September 25th. Mrs Martin wrote "Shakespeare." on her white board. 

"The next two weeks we will be focusing on Shakespeare. I have a two person project that you all be working on with a partner." Mrs Martin said 

Everyone began to chatter and look around the class. 

"Shush class. I will be picking your partners." Mrs Martin said

Loud groans filled the room as everyone hated when teachers chose their partners. Mrs Martin went down the list she made. 

"Bucky Barnes and Kendra Carmichael." Mrs Martin said

Bucky looked around the room as he tried to find his partner, a quiet blonde sat down beside him since Steve was paired with Bobbi. 

"Hi." Kendra said 

"Hi.." he said 

Mrs Martin came over to the table and gave them their Shakespeare title, "Romeo and Juliet." When she released the class to go down to the library, Bucky stopped Kendra. 

"I hope this doesn't come off as rude. But are you new?" He said 

"No. Im just not cheerleader or on the dance team." She said as they walked together. 

"Oh..I didn't mean for.." he said but she cut him off. 

"Its okay." She said 

For two weeks they worked on the project during study hall and in class. By the end of the two weeks Bucky couldn't help but like Kendra. 

"Hey Kendra.." Bucky said at her locker. 

"Hey.." she said 

"Um, would you like to go out with me?" Bucky said 

"Is this a joke?" She said 

"No..I would really like to take you on a date. I like you and you are beautiful." He said 

She blushed and smiled, "Thank you, and yes I will go out with you." She said as she closed her locker. 

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