(22) A Crazy Stalker Fan

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A year later,

"We have a big problem." Colton said as he dragged Kendra into a room.

"What is wrong Colton?" Spencer said 

"This, she's been getting these in her mailbox, her fan club." He said 

He laid a box of letters and photos of her on the table. 

"Someone is obessessed..stalking and threatening to kill her isn't normal fan behavior." Sutton said 

"He never signs them." Natasha said 

The head of her security called in the FBI, they pulled from the Knoxville office. Bucky got put on the team as well as Emma. 

"Now what are you going to do?" Bobbi said 

"Shut up, this is a undercover job Bobs I don't have to do anything. And fyi I got divorce papers filed." He said after their meeting was over with their director. 

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