(8) Leaving for first Deployment

316 14 0

October 2012

"I love you my boy. Come home safely." James said as he hugged Bucky. 

Winnie cried, "This never gets easier, first I had to do with your dad, and your brothers now you." Winnie said as she hugged him. 

"Mom I have to breathe." He said 

"Winnie let the boy go. He has one more person to say goodbye to." James said as he pulled her off him. 

"Thanks dad." He said 

He cupped Kendra's cheeks, "Don't you dare." He said as his voice shook. 

"Im scared." She said 

"I know you are baby." He said as he wiped her tears. 

They rested their foreheads together for a few minutes, "I love you don't you ever forget that." He whispered as he kissed her forehead. 

"I won't." She said 

"And I will return to you." He said as he cupped her cheeks again. 

"Please do." She said 

They shared one more kiss before he had to join in formation. Winnie hugged as they boarded the jet and took off. 

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