(7) Wedding Promises & Honeymooners

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June 2012,

"Ok you are all ready my baby." Elaine said 

"Thanks mama." She said as Elaine pulled her veil down. 

Roy came into the bride's room, "You ready?" He said 

"Yes she is. I'll see you all out there." Elaine said and left. 

Wanda was her maid of honor, and Sam was the best man. Her niece Layne and Bucky's niece Alliana were their flower girls, and his nephews Zeke and Camden were the ring bearers. 

Roy gave Kendra away, and the ceremony began, their pastor Benjamin Mcbride began to read scriptures about love. After he was done they were given chances to read their vows.

"James, from this day forward I promise to be faithful, honest, caring and loyal to you. I promise to always put us first in every decision we make. I promise to be by your side through the good, the bad and the ugly. I promise to love you for the rest of my life. I promise to be here by your side when you need support, I will always have your back rather your right or wrong. I promise to be here for you in sickness and in health. You will forever have my heart no matter what life throws at us I will be the woman by your side to hold your hand until death do us part." 

"Kendra, I promise from this day on that you will always be the woman that has my heart, the woman that I will love until Im called home. I promise to be truthful, faithful and loving. I promise to be the man that your biological dad couldn't be. I promise I will always be here by your side through sickness, in health and all the in betweens. You the one I will spend for ever loving no matter what happens you will have my hand and shoulder to cry on through the good the bad and the ugly I promise I will be here." 

They exchanged their rings, and kissed. When they went to their reception their first dance was to "I Won't Let Go"  by Rascal Flatts. 

They had their honeymoon at Virginia Beach, and stayed at the Cavalier Autograph Collection Hotel. When they arrived and got checked in, Bucky and Kendra wasted no time consumating their marriage as he took her virginity. 

"Oh Mrs Barnes, what ever am I going to do with you." He whispered

She hid her face, "makin such sexy noises." He whispered as he kissed her after they were done. 

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