(12) A Tragic Loss

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Three months later,

Bucky was having a video call with Kendra but she wasn't talking much. 

"Baby I know this is hard, and you miss me." He said

"I wouldn't be like this if you had listened me. You could feel our son move around and kick. I wouldn't be sleeping alone." She said 

He sighed, "Kendra stop okay, I get it but this is how it all works." He said 

"Sam and Steve didn't re enlist. Why did you? I need you here with me for our son! And you act like you don't even care." She said

"Kendra don't say that, I do care about you." He said 

"Whatever." She said 

"Kendra I love you." He said 

"Yeah." She said as she hit end call. 

A little bit later after the phone call she called her mom. 

"Hey sweetie." Elaine said 

"Mama I don't feel so good, Im in a lot of pain." She said 

"Breathe sweetheart.." Elaine said 

She looked down and saw blood on the floor. "Mama there is blood mama Im scared." She cried 

"Okay calm down. Get off the phone with me and call 911 okay. Me and your daddy will call James and Winnie. We will be there soon." Elaine said 

Kendra did what she said, and the EMTs rushed to her. She started to go in and out of consciousneess. They rushed her into a operating room and sedated as they began to perform a emergency c section. 

Kendra's blood pressure began to stabilize once they got baby boy out. In recovery they put her in a private room. Where she could be alone as she said goodbye. Their son had passed away she named him Camden James. 

Her parents and Bucky's parents also came in to say their goodbyes. Winnie got a few pictures for them all to keep. James let Bucky know through the emergency tunnels about the loss. Bucky sat there in his tent in shock. 

Winnie and Elaine sat on either side of Kendra as they held a funeral. A few days later she was able to talk to Bucky. 

"Baby Im sorry, we will try again when I get home I promise. God I wish I could hold you baby and be there with you." He said 

"I need you Buck" she said as she broke down. 

He caressed the screen, and she hung up. 

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