(32) Mother's Day Drama

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Two months later,

It was Mother's Day weekend, a weekend Kendra dreaded since she lost Camden. She and Colton when home for the weekend. They went to church with their families. Bucky seen them together when they walked in together. 

After service was over they all went to the activity center/fellowship hall for the Mother's Day luncheon. Kendra avoided Bucky, and his family the whole time. When the luncheon was over everyone was in the parking lot talking. 

Elaine was talking to Winnie and James, when Kendra walked up to her mom. 

"Happy mother's day mom. We gotta go." She said as she hugged her. 

"Thank you sweetie." Elaine said 

As she started to walk away, Winnie said "Happy Mother's Day Kendra." 

Kendra stopped for the moment but then started to walk on. 

"Kendra don't be rude." Bucky said 

She continued to walk away, and he went to follow her. 

"James honey, its fine." Winnie said 

"No mom she is being rude and I won't have it." Bucky said 

He gets closer to her, "You want to be mad and bitter at me thats fine. But you will not be disrespectful and rude to my mother. She was there for you when I couldn't be there for you. She rushed to your side when you had Camden." He said 

"Leave her alone." Colton said 

"Mind your business Colton this doesn't concern you." Bucky said 

"Like hell it doesn't, you left her all alone. And yeah your mother was there for her but where was that loyalty when you told everyone to lie to her face." Colton said 

"You'll never understand the hell I went through over there." Bucky said 

"Oh I know I don't. But I know what kind of hell you put Kendra through. She gave birth to your son had to say goodbye to him, bury him all without you. She lost her father, she lost herself. It was me that held her hand at Roy's funeral it was me that brought her back to life. It was me that held her hand when she got scared that she had breast cancer. Its been me that has held her hand when it should of been her so called husband. I was there for her when her husband decided to  be a coward and hide away. So some hero you are, you don't deserve her. I knew you would break her heart I even told her that way back in high school but she fought me on it. She believed in you, even when we went on the USO tour she searched the crowd for you not knowimg that you were home already. She remained faithful to you, so go Ive got her like I always have." Colton said and they walked to Colton's car.

Bucky walked back to his parents, Winnie wiped a tear. 

"Mom.." he said 

"Buchanan, Im sorry son I love you but he is right about what he just said." James said 

"Dad?" Bucky said 

"James Buchanan, you don't understand. Ive lived it four times over, your dad, your brothers and you. Its hard being a spouse of a military soldier. We never know where you are sometimes. We dont know how you are coming home. Those two years you were missing was the scariest time of my life and I know that it had to be even scarier for her. Add in she lost Camden right before, then Roy. I wouldn't know what to do either, she dropped out of college. Then you tell all.of us to lie and pretend like you haven't returned. She and Natasha have every right to be angry. Colt was there for her when you weren't." Winnie said 

"I don't blame her one bit for angry. You were selfish Buchanan, you chose yourself over her. She told me the last time you deployed that she asked you not to re enlist. But you didn't listen you didn't make her your top priority. But she always made you hers, Elaine will tell you Kendra checked in every day she would have been on the next plane if she had known you were home. But instead you had us, your friends all lying to her. And you chose to start a new life while still married to her. You haven't even made peace or been to Camden's grave since you been home. She should be happy celebrating this day with your son, and you. So don't sit here and think she shouldn't be angry. You left her, lied and cheated." James said 

"Your dad is right you broke vows, and one day I hope she will forgive me and your father. And you better hope she does the same for you one day or beg for forgivness." Winnie said 

Everyone left him, he swallowed back tears and guilt. He wiped his face when he saw Emma pushing the stroller. 

"You okay Buck?" She said 

He forced a fake smile. "Yeah. Sorry I was about to come help." He said and he pushed the stroller to the car.

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