Chapter 1 (Rewritten)

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Alrighty finna start rewriting this shit now after two years of the dumbass plot holes I see when I reread this shit. Now that I got a little more writing experience let's give this shit another shot. I'm hoping this is an improvement from the first time

"A comparison to life is a very shitty game, It's unfair and rigged in the favor of other people. But that's life for you. I guess it means I just gotta be the better player. That's the one thing I learned when I turned 4."

We see a 4 year old Izuku Yagi running with his sister Izumi Yagi to their parents room. Izuku himself was a small, frail-looking boy he had big, round green eyes that held a determined spark. He was born with messy, dark green hair that stuck up in different directions, often making him look a bit unkempt. Izumi was the exact same. They were identical Twins just of different gender. Izuku and Izumi shared a Dream. To be the best heros known to man. In this super powered society. Everyone wanted to be a hero.

At the age of 4 children develope powers known as a quirk. Quirks were still a mystery. They just appeared around 200 years ago. But you the reader already knew of this. But back on topic.

"Mama wake up let's go." Izuku and Izumi both shouted at the top of their lungs. Trying to shake their Mother awake. "Hmm" they heard from their father Toshinori Yagi. Toshinori Yagi's form is frail and thin, standing tall with a gaunt appearance. He has a slender frame. His face appears more angular, his cheekbones more pronounced, and his eyes carry a wary expression. His hair remains swept back, but the overall impression is one of frailty and vulnerability.

"Dad wake up." Izumi shouted at the top of her lungs. "Hmm what's going on." Toshinori yawned out. He was still exhausted after all he had only gotten out the hospital yesterday from a certain fight. "Dad, Mama won't wake up and she promised that first thing in the morning she'd take us to get our quirks checked!" Izuku Yelled at this point Inko was beginning to wake up from all the damn noise. After she had scolded both her children for waking her up.

"Now that you two have settled down a bit. Let me make breakfast first then we can go check your quirks. God damn brats." She had mumbled the last part. As Inko had began cooking Toshinori had began talking quirks with the twins. Asking them what they thought their quirks were going to be. "I want a better version of your quirk dad." Both children had yelled loud enough for Inko to hear. "Now, Now kids don't forgot about your perfect mother's quirk." Inko Chimed in. Toshinori seemed to flinch at her tone. She sounded arrogant and Pissed that neither her children wanted her quirk.

Yea fuck it let's just skip to the fucking doctor

"Yagis please follow me the doctor is ready for you." A nurse had called them. As they walked into the office they took a seat. As the doctor walked in. He did the normal test to check for them for quirks.

"Alright I have good news. Your daughter has an incredible quirk. From what we can tell it's a Telekinesic quirk and a very strong one at that. I'm sure by the time she's available to apply at UA. She'll be on the level of the top 25 heros." The doctor announced to the family. "What about Izuku?" Toshinori asked. "There's where the bad news comes in. Your son has no quirk. Not the slightest trace of one. It's as if He got no quirk genes what so ever. I'm sorry to break it to you but there's not even the slightest chance of him developing one." The doctor broke the news

Inko's once decently kind eyes turned to hate. Toshinori had immediately hug his son and began trying to cheer him up. (I'm Quirkless can I still be a hero with Izumi. No I won't give up because of something like this. I'll just work harder then the rest.) Izuku thought his determination didn't faulter in the slightest. Matter a fact it just encourage him. "I'm fine dad it just means I'll have to work harder to achieve my dream." Izuku declared no matter the challenge he was determined. With that the family left the hospital. The car ride was filled with Izuku praising Izumi for having such an amazing quirk. Toshinori kept a close on Izuku to make sure he was alright. While Inko seemed to be deep in thought. The entire night The family celebrated the twins birthday. Of course Inko still hadn't said a word to Izuku. As Izuku went up stairs he began coming up with a plan. Even tho he was 4 Izuku was a smart child. He was coming up with a strategy to get strong enough to become a hero. He threw himself into his bed and slowly slipped into the realm of unconsciousness

"Where am I" He asked to himself as he seemed to wake up. The place he woke up in was full of life and happiness. Animals running around in piece. A beautiful cherry blossom field. Petals were falling all around. "You came here earlier then I had expected." A voice stated as wind picked up some petals and blew a mass amount of them. As the Petals had flown off a man had appeared.

The man, possessed a sharp jawline and sleek, black hair, his hair seemed to be as dark as the void of space. He also had the epitome of physical perfection. His physique is a testament to the peak of human form—muscles sculpted to perfection, honed through divine determination. Every muscle seems meticulously crafted, offering both strength and grace in its definition. His physique is a harmonious blend of power and agility, each movement a testament to his unparalleled physical prowess. The tattoos of galaxies and dragons only serve to enhance the allure of his flawless physique, their intricate designs gracefully accentuating the lines of his toned body, adding an otherworldly touch to his already breathtaking presence. he seemed to embody the essence of a divinity, the dons garments seemed to be crafted from the very fabric of the cosmos. His attire seems woven from stardust and celestial threads, shimmering with the glint of distant galaxies and cosmic hues. The robe adorns him cascades like a celestial tapestry, displaying the vast expanse of the universe in its intricate patterns and constellations. The fabric moves as if alive, softly glowing and shifting with an otherworldly luminescence, emitting hues that transcend human comprehension. His presence in these stellar garments evokes a sense of divine authority and an intimate connection to the cosmic forces that shape existence itself.

"Hello there child." His voice was smooth, calming, kind. "Who are you" Izuku stuttered out. "Oh me where are my manners. My name is Shadow. I'm very simply person that created all of existence. Well technically his successor's successor It's complicated." Shadow spoke in a kind tone. "Where are we mister Shadow." Izuku stuttered out he was quite scared. This man had just formed before him. Sure he seemed kind but he was still a stranger and his family was no where to be seen. "To put it all simply, We are in your mindscape young one. I hope you don't mind what I've done with the place." Shadow answered the question. "But why are you in my mind?" Izuku asked as he wasn't nearly as scared now. "That's an answer you'll find out in 10ish years young one. Don't worry I'll be here every second if you need advice with anything. Now you need to wake up for school." Shadow flicked Izuku's head and he woke up.

This is where I end the rewritten part 1. I hope if you're rereading this it was an improvement. I'll get chapter two Rewritten I hope you enjoyed

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