chapter 2 (Rewritten)

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Alrighty Chapter 2 let's fucking go. Anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter one's rewrite. Bad Bunny is the only thing I'm listening to while writing. Why have I just now realized I always make Inko the bad parent. It's probably cause every fucking Izuku Yagi story I've read where it's one parent being bad it's always Toshinori. Anyways enough of my dumbass yapping.

A question tho. What do you prefer when reading.

A Recap


No Recap

Also little note

Shadow can only be heard by Izuku which is why i use "" for his part and ()in Izuku's part in their conversations

As Izuku had woken up. (What a dream) he thought to himself as he got up. He began getting ready for school. As his father woke up and saw him home. "Izuku do you know what time it is." Toshinori asked. "No I thought it was almost time for school." Izuku answered innocently. "It's 9 in the morning. Did Inko not wake up you up?" He asked his son. "No mama didn't wake me up" Izuku stuttered he was panicked now. "Alright just finish getting ready I'll drive you." Toshinori smiled at his son.

As Izuku had finished getting ready. Toshinori made him some breakfast. Izuku had gotten down stairs eaten. On the way to the school Toshinori let him sit in the front. They had chatted about heros and shit. Toshinori dropped Izuku off and Izuku got to class.

"I'm sorry for being late Ms. Ierabitchi. I woke up late " Izuku apologized "oh it's alright Izuku and thank you for being the only student that doesn't call me Ms bitch." She responded and Izuku walked to his seat. People had already began avoiding him. (Already that's fun) Izuku thought after all he knew this all was going to happen. He had figured by inko's expression yesterday that she was indeed a Quirkist bitch.

Skip to when they are outside. Instead of sticking with Izuku we go to Izumi

Izumi was just messing around with her quirk a little bit. Thinking about what her mother had said about Izuku. How she called him a waste of 9 months, A weakling, A quirkless piece of trash. She was snapped out of her thoughts by her best friends. Shoka Todoroki and Katsumi Bakugo. They also had twin brothers. Katsumi was the opposite of her brother. She was Quiet, composed, and hardly ever lost her temper.
"Zumi what's yours and Izuku's Quirks" Shoka Todoroki had asked. "Oh I have a very strong Telekinetic Quirk. Izuku is quirkless and has no chance of developing a quirk." Izumi spoke sadly at the last part. "Oh that's sad" both mumbled. After all Izuku was so kind to them. Suddenly Katsuki and Shoto appeared. "So the nerds quirkless and he still wants to be a hero. He should just end it all." Katsuki bellowed and Shoto just agreed. "Maybe me and Shoto should show him his place below our feet." Katsuki had the most arrogant face. "You touch my older brother and I'll fucking end you." Izumi began using her Telekinesis to pull at the two boy's hair. They both began Begging and crying for it to stop.

Let's go back to Izuku

Instead of being a normal child and playing Izuku was writing something down. (If I can't develop a quirk naturally. What if I try and tap into a different power source) Izuku thought and began writing at a very quick speed. "That won't work kid. Your body isn't modified to handle that" He heard Shadow's voice say. (You're real?) Izuku asked in his head. "Very much so but nevermind that. Just work on training your body before anything. I'll help you in the power department in 10 years." Shadow said then stopped responding. Izuku had began planning a simple workout his 4 year old body could handle.

"Izuku do you still wanna be a hero?" Izumi had asked with her best friends by her side. (And here comes the bullying) Izuku thought "Yes with my whole being." Izuku proudly admitted. He expected to be hit instead Izumi, Katsumi, and Shoka had hugged him. They said they'd support his dream and would help him train. (HOLY FUCK I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA GET BULLIED.) Izuku thought.

Alright a 10 year Time skip brought to you by meme

Throughout the ten years let's recap what had happened

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Throughout the ten years let's recap what had happened. First off Inko had began abusing Izuku when Toshinori wasn't home. Toshinori had treated Izuku and Izumi equally the entirety of the time. Izuku had began a crazy work out schedule that built his body up like crazy. Izumi, Katsumi, and Shoka quickly noticed Izuku becoming Built. Izuku and Shadow had become like a second father to Izuku. Katsuki and Shoto had began Bullying Izuku a lot they always did it when Izumi and the other two weren't near by. Izuku became durable as fuck from the constant abuse. He had began noticing his skin becoming more resistant to things. Izuku had opened his own Café. It was extremely successful. Izuku had also learned multiple martial arts such as boxing, karate, kickboxing, kung fu, muay thai, and mant more. He also developed his own style of fighting he called it the way of the emerald dragon.

The Way of the Emerald Dragon is a lethal amalgamation of various deadly martial arts forms, merging the swift strikes of kickboxing, the precise and powerful punches of boxing, the fluid and evasive maneuvers of Kung Fu, the devastating strikes of Muay Thai, and a host of other combat techniques. This unique martial art form emphasizes both offensive and defensive maneuvers, combining the agility of Kung Fu with the raw power of Muay Thai. Practitioners of this style are known for their lightning-fast strikes, utilizing a combination of kicks, punches, elbow and knee strikes, as well as intricate grappling and throwing techniques. The fluidity of movement and the seamless transitions between different fighting styles make it a highly versatile and adaptable form of combat. The Way of the Emerald Dragon places a significant emphasis on mental focus, discipline, and mastering one's inner energy, channeling it to enhance the impact and speed of attacks. The practitioners are as swift and agile as the mythical emerald dragon itself, striking with precision, speed, and deadly intent. Its practitioners are adept at both close-range combat and maintaining a strong defense, making it an incredibly formidable and versatile martial art.

Izuku had competed in tournaments of all kinds. Martial arts, Gaming, you name it he competed in it. Always with a face covering of some kind as to not reveal his identity. He had gained the nickname "The Undefeated Emerald King" from fans of his. Keeping the identity secret was so Katsuki and Shoto would continue with their shit.

Of course throughout the years Izuku let himself be bullied and underestimated. Cause in the words of Shadow. "It's a lot more satisfying to kick someone's teeth in after they put you through shit." So Izuku just let it happen knowing when you he fucked Katsuki and Shoto up it'd feel so good.

Now current date July 15th

"Izuku get up it's our birthday. Everyone is coming over." Izumi shouted as she opened his door. "Why do I have to get up. It's still early as hell." Izuku yawned

And that's where I leave it off. I'm going to start working on chapter 3 in like 30 minutes. Cause I've been working for like an hour and a half now. Ight see ya next chapter

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