chapter 4 (Rewritten)

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ALRIGHTY I hope the last 3 chapters were good. I'll get as many done as I can today then I'll start with new chapters. Anyways let's fucking do this.

Last chapter.

Izumi and Izuku's birthday had started. Inko tried to get Izumi in a quirk marriage like the bitch she is. Shadow had appeared teleported everyone to a boxing ring. Izuku fought Inko for Izumi's freedom and won. After the they were teleported back. Inko was no where to be seen and Shadow was sitting in the air eating cake.

This chapter.

"So who exactly are you?" Toshinori asked. He was ready to fight if needed. "Yo Izu mind explaining while I finish this delightful treat. I swear every time I visit the human world the sweets improve." Shadow asked as he continued eating. "I honestly know very little about him. All I really know is he's some god and he rest within my mind." Izuku explained "My own host is so rude explaining it to y'all. So let me break this down." Shadow spoke and everyone was suddenly on the couch.

"So ever since creation there has been one all powerful God. Of course there are minor gods. Blessed with their own aspects. But none are all powerful. That's where I come in. I'm the 4th person to inherit the power of the all mighty god. Once I had inherited it. I wiped the slate clean. I wanted a clean restart. So I destroyed all to exist and rebuilt it in my image. But I've grown bored of being God. I've been in this position for several million years. I just wanna retire but I can't without a successor. That's where you come in Izuku." Shadow had explained the situation.

"So you want my son to become some type of God." Toshinori summarized it "correct I want Izuku to inherit the power of the all powerful God." Shadow restated "Is that why you had me train so hard. And is that what you meant by you'd handle the power source?" Izuku had Questioned. "Indeed, I honestly could give less of a fuck what you do with the power. The reason I choose you was because of the determination you possessed. If you become corrupt so what. I could give less fucks. I'm handing you the strength to do whatever you please. I only have one request. Have some fun with life" Shadow answered the question.

"Now begs the question. Do you want this strength or not?" Shadow had asked "I have one more question." Izuku had spoken up after a moment of silence. "And what is that?" Shadow inquired. "If I take this power will you fade out of existence." Izuku asked his eyes were tearing up. "Only you'd ask something like that kid. No I won't I'll remind in your mind. Now let me go into retirement." Shadow answered as he put his hand out as a small orb floated into Izuku. Within seconds it had expanded and covered him in what seemed to be a galaxy
As it fades away,

Izuku Yagi had changed, now empowered by omnipotence, stood tall at an imposing height of 6 foot 5, commanding attention with every stride. His dark green hair flowed in sleek strands, framing a face etched with determination and possessing a jawline that could cut through steel-a testament to his resolute spirit. Bearing the embodiment of physical perfection, his towering figure was a symphony of power and grace. His physique was a masterpiece, sculpted to perfection, each muscle a testament to strength and resilience. Yet, amidst this imposing presence, there was an air of unassuming confidence that radiated from within. Izuku Yagi's attire, fitting for cosmic royalty, was a testament to grandeur woven from the fabric of space and time. The garment, a regal ensemble, shimmered with hues that transcended the ordinary spectrum-cosmic purples, blues, and deep blacks swirling in mesmerizing patterns. The fabric itself seemed alive, shifting with the ebb and flow of unseen cosmic forces. Adorned with celestial motifs reminiscent of distant galaxies and the dance of stars, it held the very essence of the universe within its intricate weaves. The attire boasted an elegant robe that cascaded like the cloak of cosmic authority, draping around Izuku with a majestic grace. Its fine threads whispered stories of cosmic epochs and the wisdom of ages, each fold and seam a testament to craftsmanship beyond mortal comprehension. His regal attire bore symbols of cosmic power-a blend of intricate designs that hinted at the cosmic tapestry and the boundless expanse of time and space. Each stitch seemed to shimmer with the secrets of the universe, an ethereal display of elegance that befitted one gifted with omnipotence. As Izuku moved, the fabric responded as if guided by unseen celestial hands, radiating an aura of cosmic majesty that underscored his newfound authority. His clothing, woven from the fabric of space and time, spoke volumes of an unspoken kinship with the grandeur of the cosmos.

"These clothes fit quite well." Izuku's voice wasn't the same. It used to be faint, and gentle. Now it was deep, unwavering. It displayed the change. From a kind, timid man into a god. Izuku truly had the power to do as he felt. "Hm father do you mind if I change the house a bit." Izuku had asked. His hand began moving and with it a beautiful purple color had begun following. As the house began expanding and changing. The once beautiful house of the Yagi family had begun transforming into a castle. And Izuku stood as the king of the house. Everyone within the now castle were in shock. The once powerless was now the most powerful. "Now then I'll be in my room if you need something." Izuku walked up the stairs and left them to themselves.

As Izuku had walked up into his room. He began thinking to himself. "Should I just allow the timeline to flow how it would. Or do I wish to make alterations. I do indeed wish to mess with it. But I'll hold off for the current moment." Izuku told himself as he laid down and slept the night away.

I'll get to work on chapter 5 right after a quick tea break

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