Part VI: Everything Goes South

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Just like that, me and Siegfried started dating. It was a wonderful relationship, even helping me keep my mind off Antonia. I simply existed and he did my bidding.
Although, we did have a few heart-to-heart conversations, one in particular that took place a few days after the dance; Siegfried started to vent halfway through- and, even though I found it annoying, and tried to get him to stop, he wouldn't:

"Oh God, will you please shut the fuck up, darling?"

"And I just," He sniffled, ignoring me. How rude. "I don't know what to do about Super Hot Boyfriend. Super keeps throwing me around and-"

"Yes. We get it. Your life sucks."

"I feel like a fucking punching bag!"

I sat up. "Well, at least you aren't Izzah."

He quieted down, sitting upright on the bed so that we were face to face. "Izzah?" He choked. "What's wrong with her?"

"She's Jewish."


But, ignoring that little incident, our relationship was going well. So long as I didn't find that little Alabama boy making out with his sister (or brother, he honestly looked like a fag), I thought we would be good to go.

It was Thursday morning, and I was walking to school alone. Eventually, I'd have someone to walk with, though, as typically, a block or so away, me and Siegfried would meet up, and I could finally drop my books off for him to carry. That wasn't the best part, oh no- his mind worked precisely, like a strict teacher's, and as we would walk, he would begin to check my homework just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Recently, this nerd allowed my scores to go from B+-A to a constant A+. Even though I was extraordinary with most of my subjects, it did help a little with the two classes I was failing- Science and P.E. Yes, this nerd figured out how to help me pass Physical Education somehow, which I used to be good at before Antonia left. Don't try to figure out how, seems how most of P.E. takes place at the school, and don't look into it. Just trust me, this nerd could help.

I passed by a shaggy ass lookin' bush and rounded a corner only to find Siegfried and his ugly... Handsome face.

"Hello, m'lady," He greeted me.

I rolled my eyes, tossing my backpack at him with no mercy. "Whatsup, loser."
I'm too cool to add a question mark.

He stumbled back under the sudden impact of the heavy sack, legs wobbling to try and keep himself from falling over. He gasped, "Why of course, madame! Right on it."

Siegfried gave me a pathetic thumbs up.

But I kept walking. Swaying my hips like a #gurlboss. Who cared about Siegfried? He was just doing what men were created to do: serve their mistresses. To do whatever we pleased with them. Anything, and I mean anything, without complaint.
Like PornHub's BDSM section all over again.

"How's your day been, beautiful?" He asked, his voice trembling with him.

Horrible, I keep getting creepy text messages telling me to make everyone else's lives miserable - with instructions. But I didn't say that. "I've been... Fine."

That wasn't particularly the case. I had been getting more texts from that unknown number. They had applauded me for, apparently, breaking Evans heart. Even though that wasn't exactly what happened, I made no effort to correct them. And after that, they kept spamming me with ideas on how to destroy everyone from the inside out. Then, I tried to block them. Unfortunately, whoever had the number was definitely a hacker of some sort, because my phone, my very phone- did not let me block them. So, I was stuck chatting with them.

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