Chapter Four

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Sheba has failed.

She didn't get to talk to Solomon that day, since he was busy parrying with Arba, honing his skills as he described it. Well, those two has always been together of courseㅡa pang of jealousy struck her heart for a moment.

Well not only Arba, she thought, as she glances up to meet a not so surprising sight. It was (Name) and the certain blue-haired leader, the both of them are busy discussing tactics and plans inside the quiet library.

(Name), despite not having the capacity to participate in any mission due to her lack in combat skills, she makes up for it with her wit.

She's great with tactical strategies and has proven herself helpful within the resistance for years, not only do they gain another brain for the team.

Again, Sheba felt downgraded... all these different and wonderful women around Solomon has their own quirks and wits, capable of earning his affection.

Maybe she does not really stand a chance?

Regretfully, she slowly made her way back to her quarters.

Solomon hums in agreement as he listen to the (h/c) head's discussion, it has been a while since the two of them discuss strategic plans for their missions lately. Mainly as she always excused being busy on certain tasks that she couldn't find the time to visit him for the day. Seems unusual he thought, but then again, he does not have any intention on prying with her personal business.

"This pathway is the only logical thing they could think of. So maybe we could use this to access the main room, and purposely allow the......" the blue-haired magician finds himself staring at the way she tucks her hair behind her ear, admiring how her brows furrowed every now and thenㅡshe has indeed grown mature these past few years. If only she isn't so childish and pulling pranks then and there, he would have noticed it easily.

"And finally, with Wahid's gravitational magic, we could use it to our advantage to advance towards the possible troupe, especially across the borderㅡ .....are you listening?" The small frown on her brows won't go unnoticed as she realized how uncharacteristically quiet the great Solomon has become. Usually he'd point out few flaws on her plan, or he'd think of a better tactic.

The man in question simply stared back at her, unmoving, he smiles, the tiniest bit before responding "I am, go on." He urged, giving her an encouraging nod.

The female stared at him still in confusion, but still proceeds eitherway.

"Maybe we can set some light reflection along this area to mimic our bodies. This will be a bait to lure the enemy... this certain magic will use, water and...light!"

"Exactly." Solomon agrees, for the first time today.

A proud grin etched itself across the female's lips, it felt nice to be helpful.

In order to make up with her lack in combat skills, she had mastered the act of tactics and strategies, going as far as studying every single books in the base's library for years, she bet she's almost as close to Solomon's wit by now, much to the magician's dismay of course.

The members could see them reading books in the courtyard, rooftops, sometimes within their leader's quarters too. It was never a surprising sight, they were always together, much like how Arba was with Solomon. They're basically just as inseperable. Although they are also prone to a lot of heated discussions and argument, sometimes the root would always be the Villidea woman, and their leader opposing her. It has always been like this for years.

They do get along like coffee and milk, but they're just as annoyed to each other like water and oil. To add fuel to the fire, their relationship was just as confusing.

(Name) sat back on the plush chair, extremely tired. Who knows the great magician would pester her with so many questions, pressuring her to answer them as quickly as possible? The male however remain clueless, as he sat by his chair, reading a volume of a book. The book she gave to him last year as a gift, she thought he had finished reading it by now, who knows he's still at it.

"I thought you've finished that already?" She asks, eyeing the book.

"Hm?" Solomon hums, too preoccupied on his reading to spare her a glance.

"The book."

"Oh, I always reread it once every year."

"Oh." The female felt warmth rushed to her cheeks, and down to her neck.

She gaze back down,
"I.. I need to go outside. Fresh air." She mumbled, before standing up, hastily walking towards the door, almost tripping against the table.

"Careful." Solomon warned, still unmoving from his position.

She unwordly left the room, warmth heating up her cheeks that she almost felt the need to take a bath. Yes, a bath it is.

In the bath, (Name) submerged herself inside the clay tub, the steaming hot water soothes her aching muscles, it's been a while since she managed to unwind and relax for a bit. The other members were busy cooking for dinner, and finishing up reports and experiments, the bathroom was all for her tonight.

Sighing, she dip half of her face in the water, overlooking the expanse of her lower body underneath the murky liquid.

She closes her eyes and picture a beautiful landscape to help calm her mind, and possibly her racing heart. Lately, it's been getting harder for her to be alone with one particular person of their groupㅡthe leader himself. She finds herself getting mad easily over the littlest of things he does, and she gets flustered over his small act of kindness.

She isn't stupid.

She knows what this is, but she couldn't bear the consequences that shall come right after.

Being the leader, there's still more she hadn't known of about himㅡwhere he came from, his lineage, his reasoning, everything. He was still a living enigma, that she desires to unravel.

So much to be said, to be heard, and yet no one has initiated it between them.

After washing herself, she carefully wrap the robe around her moist body, maybe she'll retire to bed early tonight, she couldn't find the appetite to face him again.

Before she could open the door, a strong pang of pain shoots through her left chest, a strangled cry left her throat as she clutched her heart in pain.

She look down, sliding her robe off in haste to see the seal mark slowly losing its glow,

"No..." she breathe out in pure fear,

The pain has grew immeasurable, it feels like hot steel against her flesh, unbearably painfulㅡ she screamed,

The members heard the commotion and grew alert, the leader who was busy checking the report for the night act quick enough to distinguish where the sound came fromㅡ the bathroom.

And it wasn't just any sound, it was (name).

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