Chapter Twenty Two

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You sat by the fireplace, picking at the raging embers with a dry stick. You can hear Ithnan and Ugo's distant heated conversation by the sidelines, they're concealed between two large trees, but their voices despite being hush were clear enough for you to hear.

"He was alone there, he doesn't know the two of you left!" Ithnan went on, frustrated than ever. A guilty voice comes up next, wording his apologies while trying to explain his situation.

They're talking about Setta all alone in the base right now. You gave the unsuspecting Ugo an applogetic look.

It wasn't entirely the engineer's fault anyway, if you haven't roped him into your schemes you three would have been still in base.

Ithnan could've lash at you, honestly. But it seemed he chose not to might be for reasons beyond you or he just simply held Ugo accountable because he's older.

But then again, you do not have time to wonder as to why, you already have a lot on your plate and you couldn't afford having a certain green-haired man scolding you for the duration of the trip back.

A resigned sigh left your lips as you ponder your next course of actions. Firstly, you couldn't exactly keep your identity shrouded any longer, especially when the resistance leader is hot on your tail trying to figure everything outㅡeven going as far as visiting your barren homeland.

Your memories ten years ago were vague, almost non-existent, as if you were led to remember little of it. But you do remember fleeing on a small boat and setting it on fire alongside the other important documents about the Villideans.

However with that being said, you couldn't find it in yourself to dispose one that holds the demographic charts. It's the only memorabilia you had of that one male, unnamed, and face blurred, but you knew him, you even resembled him at one point in your memories. And you're completely certain he is someone important, someone you should remember.

But unfortunately, during that one unfateful day you were led to believe that you somehow have connections to the Orthodox church, you find yourself beyond scared and confused, to the point that you've thought of disposing the last remaining scroll containing the names of the 64 divine seers, as if that alone will erase your involvement.

They were illegible at best, blurred and faded in inked blob and blurring lines.

But it's still something nonetheless.

Who would have thought a certain blue haired magician would come across it, even going as far as deciding to investigate it?

"(Name)..." a familiar voice mused out.

You close your eyes firmly, you've dread for this moment several times these past week, and alas, it's finally here.

Solomon stood infront of you, a neutral expression etched along his face as he peer down at you, his blue irises blending towards an orange shade against the flaring bonfire.

"I need to discuss something with you,"

You didn't grumble a protest, a sigh, or anything close to resignment. You simply nod your head, before standing up from your seat,

The male seemingly unpertrubed at your willingness gestured towards a pathway, the moon illuminating through the thick foliage, provides enough light for you to see through a small clearing.

You followed him as the two of you weave through the overgrown grass and tall trees, the sound of the nearby camp, the rowdy voices of the resistance members, and the crackling of fire has blurred into the distance as the two of you made it into a small clearing.

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