Chapter Ten

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"You know it's my decoy." The tactician deadpanned, as she cautiously eyed the bluenette. The male however feigned an expression close to innocence as he twirls the chest piece in his fingers.


"Well, let's see if you'll be able to figure out my next move then." She seethes, mind busy assessing the pieces on the wooden board.

It was a lazy afternoon for the resistance, there's no mission to be held later that evening, nor do they have any paperworks and duties assigned.

The two find themselves busying over board games instead of the usual tactic discussions they have grown accustomed to.

It was indeed a change of pace.

"Aha!" She exclaimed, moving a piece before snatching the bluenette's bishop, she faked a gasp before finally moving her piece next to the queen. "Checkmate."

Solomon's gaze went down to carefully assess the board before him. It was a clean victory. As expected from their tactician.

"Great job." He praised, sending her a small and mayhapsㅡrelatively rare smile.

She internally winced.

Solomon is attractive, she wouldn't deny that.

It was one of the first few things the Villidean has noticed the first time she met him.

The time she spent with the man has allowed her to get used to his presence indeed, but not enough to the point that getting a different emotion aside from his usual stern face managed to put her heart racing against her chest.

He was an enigmaㅡthat he is.

One that she wouldn't mind unraveling bit by bit.

"I find it ridiculous that you lost to me." She egged, smirking the tiniest bit before crossing her legs, the snarky behavior however only gained a little amused laugh from the man.

"Indeed I am. You're a tactician for a reason (Name)... your skills and knowledge precedes your reputation. I admire that about you."

Again, that damn smile...

Heat went up to her neck in an instant, but before it could even reach the roundness of her cheeks, she grinned "That I am! I'm pretty sure I'm Ugo's bestfriend by now." she claims enthusiastically, a proud grin etched across her face.

She's bright, as always. Solomon thought.

"You think you can replace me?"

"I am worthy!" She retorted back,

Solomon hums apathetically, before he stood up to walk towards his rows of bookshelves. A thoughtful look on his face as he carefully scans each worn spines. After a minute of silence, he finally spoke,

"What do you think of Ugo?" He asks, carefully pulling out a red leather book from the oak shelf, he flips it on a random page, scanning each symbols inked on the yellowed paper.

The Villidean raised an eyebrow at the strange question, but she answered it nonetheless.

"Uraltugo is a great friend. He was the first one who welcomed me hereㅡmy first human encounter for so long too! He's a nice, understanding and thoughtful man... it's actually one of the many things I like about him."

The subtle shifts of Solomon's footing caught her attention, but before she could annoy him about it, he pressed on.

"I see. He's indeed a great friend."

"Why the sudden question though?" She asks, seeminglyㅡgenuinely curious.

Before the male could even respond, the door opens up to reveal the said man. He looks tiredㅡhis white hair clung to his face, his unusually disheveled appearance bubbled up a sense of concern from the two individuals inside the room, but before either of them could question him, he beat them to it.

"I have finished it! It was completed! Our invention was finally complete!"

Classic Ugo.

The female sighs, smiling ruefully at the eccentric male as he rambled his successful invention to his bestfriend. The two now in their own world, busy discussing science stuffs the tactician couldn't put her mind on. Regretfully, she busies herself on the books Solomon left on the table, grabbing a cracker out of the bowl, she nibbled the piece before skimming the worn pages.

On the other hand, Solomon finds himself caught on one of Ugo's discussion, he nods every  now and then to show his interest. But he couldn't find it in himself to focus.

Thank Il Illah Ugo sauntered in at the right time.

His eyes wandered over to the female across the room busy flipping on the pages of his books, a piece of cracker clutched in between her lips.

He winced,

Because, in all honesty he couldn't find it in himself why he asked it in the first place anyway.

(Back to the present)

"Solomon!" Ugo called out, he sounds alarmed which alerts the bluenette. He carefully place his book down on the table, a confused look feigning on his features.

"She's awake!"

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