Chapter Twenty Seven

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A week has passed by since that strange...occurence. The tactician finds herself absorb in one of her learning session, trying to make her day as productive as it could be, since apparently, all she could think about these past few days was the same 'ol blue haired magician.

Oh how she'd trade to be in Ugo's place right now! She'd rather stress over inventions rather than overthinking basically everything.

To say that she was surprised was probably the understatement of the century. Solomon, the freaking resistance leader just initiated a kiss. A kiss.

Never in a million years had she thought he had it in be thatㅡintimate... but then again, she doesn't know the man well enough eiter. Heck, she doesn't even know his full name.

She frowned her eyes before snapping the book she was trying to read previously.. this is terribly hopeless. With a sigh, she duck her head against her arms, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to rid her mind off of the certain resistance leader.

That one fateful night, under the luminescent glow of the full moon, his white robe clinging on his frame, his unbraided sapphire hair falling off of his shoulders, his scent, his breath so close to her, so intoxicating. One little push was it could have taken. But neither of them made a move.

Ever since then, she's been avoiding the man like how she did previously. Thankfully he doesn't seemed to mind it that much, or he just stops caring. Eitherway, it both works to her favor. But unfortunately for her... the incidence still bugs her mind nonstop, every single day.

It was frustrating to the point of pure aggression, hissing underneath her breathe, she pulls on her hair tightly before banging her head against the wooden table in defeat.

"Wow. Washed up at 20th." A voice mused out from the door way, and in came the famous magic engineer. The tactician didn't bother tilting her head up to see him, his voice was enough of a dead giveaway.

"I don't have time to be a lab rat for your invention, Ugo... give me a break." She muttered, choosing to press her face against the desk even further in hopes it'll scare away her uninvited guest.

Too bad for her, Ugo has seen worse.

"You should really stop moping around. It's been a week and you hadn't exactly tell me why you're upset either! I could have helped you!" Ugo argued as he sat on a chair across from her,

She frowns, "You know it already anyway.... it's the usual 'issue'" she muttered, almost inaudible,

The engineer eyed her for a while before he shakes his head, "Look.. it'll be better if we unwind for a while." He went to fetch something inside his tunic,

"Here..." his hand slides an envelope on the table, "One of the creatures....minotaurs i think? Has invited us for a grand birthday celebration, tomorrow night. We couldn't exactly turn down the invitation because they are awfully persistent." He laughs a little, finding it quite troublesome, "And considering the on going conflict with the other species around, we figured it would also be a great time to ease the crowd." 

The tactician frowned before finally raising her head up, her eyes a little blurred due to her previous position, she blink a couple of times as she squint her eyes suspiciously on the lone envelope as if it'll turn into a snake and jump at her.

"Don't look at it like that! It's real! Everyone else were invited too.. in fact all of us are attending." Ugo scolds before crossing his arms,

The tactician sigh, waving a dismissive hand in the air, "Then that's good news for me~ I'll be left all alone here! I miss my alone time so much.... speaking of, we barely got missions lately, which is kind of strange..."

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