Chapter Nine

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"Solomon... it's been a week, and I haven't figured out anything about her condition." Ugo confessed, as he put down another worn scroll against his table.
Up to this point, endless research has been done to figure out where her seal came from, what kind of possible life-threatening illness could it be that involves drainage of magoi, and possibly absence of rukh.

The engineer has read almost all books and scrolls inside their library, but none of these has given him any leads.

Perhaps this is a new case? Something he'll have to figure out on his own? But that's the case, he wouldn't be able to do so unless he ask the bearer itself: (Name).

But it's been a week, and she remained unconscious. Hope was slowly dissipating each day, and they're all gearing for the worse. He sincerely hope it wouldn't go that far.

As a member of resistance, death is inevitable. Something they all have agreed upon. But experiencing death within their group, with little to no reason or knowledge as to why, was something he wouldn't accept. Neither the group does.

Sighing in what seems to be frustration, the engineer stood up once again, making his way towards the archive.

"Ugo?" Solomon questions, his eyebrow tilted in confusion, gaze following his friend's swift movements. "Where are you going?"

"Archive." He plainly responds back, one thought inside his mind.

"You've never venture that far..." his leader points out, seemingly finding his friend's action ridiculous.

"Then maybe I should this time around..."

Solomon puts his book down, an amused grin etch across his lips, "Alright, I won't stop you. You have the archive all to yourself for as long as you want to."

Ugo as expected, is persistent. No knowledge out there would remain unknown, no stone will be left unturned either. The magic engineer had seen a phenomenon that he had never encounter before, the thirst for knowledge has never been this strong as far as Solomon remembers. At this state he might have figure it all out before their tactician gained consciousness... that is if she will of course.

Solomon sighs as he stride down the hallway, his book in hand, a strip of paper caged in between the pages to inform him where he left off. It's been a week, and his days has been pretty quiet, no unnecessary noises or a certain tactician pestering him then and there. It was definitely a perfect atmosphere for his daily readings.

But there's this irking feeling he felt for quite some time now, it was an unquenchable itchㅡ he couldn't focus that much in his readings, his tasks, thankfully not in his mission. But it has gotten quite far to the point that Ugo has noticed him faltering lately.


That damn tactician...

He seethes silently, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he round a corner, he unfortunately bump onto someone, not that hard but his reflexes acts fast to grip the other person's shoulder.

A light squeek was heard, he looks down and saw a familiar mop of (h/c) hair, his eyes widened the slightest, he released a breathe he didn't know he was holding.

"(Name)?" He asks cautiously, his eyes assessing the figure before him.

"Hi... Solomon."

It wasn't her, it was Sheba.
He closed his eyes firmly, shaking his thoughts away, "Hello to you too, Sheba. I've never seen you around lately?" He questions, pulling his hand away, before taking a step to put some distance between them.

Sheba took noticed of this, but she simply pursed her lips "I am doing fine! I'm about to spar with Arba today, soooo..."

Solomon's eyebrows rose in what seemed to be amusement "Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, she should be around the training grounds now..."

"Alright, I won't take much of your time." Solomon bids the female goodbye, as he sauntered off. Sheba followed his retreating figure until he was nowhere to be seen.

She couldn't brush off the incident a while ago where Solomon mistook her as (Name)... it tugs at her heart, but it's something she has gotten used to for quite some time now. She couldn't tell if she will give him up, or to continuously pursue him despite the pain.

She sighs before making her way towards the training grounds.

"I've brought you guys some bread and milk!" Setta's voice ringed inside the quiet library, most probably disturbing everyone insideㅡa frown slowly etched itself across Ithnan's face but he couldn't find it in himself to scold him.

The younger put down the tray on the table with a light clank, the platter was filled to the brim with soft bread, and a pitcher of milk.

"Thanks Setta, you may go now." He shoo him away, too busy flipping the pages of a thick book he's been reading for 2 hours straight. His brother however went off without a hitch, probably to do some chores with Falan.

Across from the green-haired was Ugo, a determined expression plastered across his face as he aggresively snatch a bread from the platter before biting onto it. Ithnan eyed him cautiously, he's afraid the engineer's eyes will fall off from the way he stared at the book before him, he swore he can see them twinkling every now and then.

This man, and his thirst for knowledge is incredible... to the point that it has gotten scary for him. He remembers when Ugo and (Name) would put an all-nighter trying to finish his inventions, or helping him with his research, sometimes Solomon would also barged in with his added wit. It was always the three of them.

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