Chapter Twenty

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A month has passed since then, the two was seen perched by the capsule encasing the young girl, she was no longer submerged in a strange liquid with several tubes connecting to her body. Her small form was dressed in robes, familiar locks the same color as the young man before her falls down her shoulder in soft spirals.

The scientist and the Villidean watched her for a moment, before the platinum haired went to slowly ingest something in her veins.

The two of them waits, the stillness in the air remained for few more seconds. Until finally, much to their relief, her eyelids slowly fluttered open, revealing a pair of soft (e/c) eyes.

The young man felt warmth erupt from his chest, the giddy smile etched across his lips couldn't go any larger as he beamed at the small figure.

"Can...Can she hear us? Can she talk?" He asks, eyes never leaving the confused face up front, as he angled his head towards the female for answers.

The scientist behind him simply scoffed lightly in amusement before answering, "You can figure it out by talking to her." The tiredness seemed to catch up on her body as she finds herself leaning against the wall, arms crossed as she released a sigh of what seemed to be complete relief.

The male grins, turning his full attention back to the girl up front.

"Hello, can you hear my voice clearly?"
She blinks twice, thrice, eyes seemingly assessing his face.

Soon, her mouth opens lightly, "Yes." Her voice, albeit small, was audible and perfectly clear.

The Villidean beamed in pure joy,

"Can I.. hold you?"

A nod was all it takes, as the young man haul her up in the air, holding her by the sides.

"You're here! You're finally here!" He beamed, drawing her closer before enclosing his arms against her smaller frame.

"I promise I'll take care of you..." his hand went to lay softly against her small head, then his eyes flit towards the scientist by the corner, a small smile lingering on her tired face. "Well.. the two of us that is,"

She scoffed, but made no comment to disapprove.

It's been three days since she had woken up, she had undergo more tests in the lab and some reviewing session with the young Villidean.

One morning, the female scientist was on her way back to the lab after gathering some files in her room, when she heard their voices inside.

A soft giggle was heard, "No you were lying! I saw you hide it underneath your tongue!"

A defensive voice came next, "But I am not!" His voice was slightly muffled, giving way to a possibility that he had something stuck inside his mouth.

Soft giggle follows even more as she heard them ran around the room throwing teasing and playful remarks at each other. Soon enough, the scientist opened the door with a scoff, her head shaking the slightest as she gave the young Villidean a look.

"Weren't you supposed to teach her about history?"

The two were caught chasing the other, with the smaller figure trying to catch up to him, the said girl however never stops even at the scientist's arrival, clueless as she tackled the male by the hips, "I caught the bad man!" She announced, pride welling up in her chest, even though her lack of strength shouldn't do much to teeter the man off of his balance, he faked a dramatic gasp, before expertly falling to his 'demise'.

"Ah! I am caught! Doomed to perish!"

Laughter bubbles from the smaller girl, as she stood up proudly, hands against her hips,

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