Chapter Fourteen

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The day before:

"(Name) talked to you the day when she woke up, right?" Ugo asks by his desk, his gaze too occupied on putting measures for his new invention to glance at his friend sitting by the windowsill.

The said male simply hummed in response, eyes glued to his own book, his braided hair hanging losely by his shoulder.

"Did she said something? Anything about her condition?"

"She hadn't." He simply responds, as he flips a page.

"Oh, I thought I would have gotten something from you." Ugo sigh in what seems to be a barely concealed disappointment,

The blue haired look up lightly to spare him a glance before turning it back on the page he left on, "Weren't you talking to her just yesterday?" He asks, now finding it hard to focus, as he simply eyed the last graphic chart he was reading.

"I did, although she isn't really inclined to share anything about it. She barely answers my questions." The engineer sat back, leaning against the backrest of his chair.

"She either needs more rest or she'll zone out mid-sentence, sometimes she'll even change the subject naturally! It was scary!" Ugo complained, throwing his hands in the air, "Really frustrating.." he groaned finding the need to press his temples as if to ease any discomfort. "If she were just open to me, I'd figured out how to help her when the need arises. Who knows if it'll happen again right?"

The blue haired magician, closes his eyes firmly before closing his book, "If she so desire not to disclose any information about her mysterious illness, we shouldn't force her. She'll most probably reveal it when she desires it to be."

Although his words were genuinely true, he admit, that he still finds it hard to understand the strange tactician.

Ever since she woke up, she changedㅡdrastically. For better or for worse, he couldn't tell.

He has noticed the strange change in her behavior, noticing the way she distances herself ever so frequently that he even swores he only saw her twice today.

It has something to do with this "mysterious illness" Ugo couldn't fathom due to lack of information.

Whatever happened to her, changed her. Not everyone would instantly notice these specific changes in her behaviorㅡbut he would.

Did it alter her brain function?
Did the loss of blood affects her overall bodily function and processing?
Did it gave her a permanent mood-swing disorder?

Solomon looked down at his book, the worn leather binding was chipping off lightly by the edges, showing how frequent it was used these past few days.

Principle and Practices of Infectious Illness. The book read up front, showing the full coverage of the book itself.

He finds himself scoffing lightly at the ironic situation he was in.

That afternoon, the magician finds himself absorbed in the base library, busy skimming through scrolls and books he could find, anything, anything that relates to her condition would suffice.

Just as he was about to grab another book from the pile, his eyes caught a glimpse of a lone scroll at the upper part of the shelf, discarded and perfectly hidden behind the bigger stacks of books. His eyes narrowed slightly, he swore he hadn't seen that before.

Heck he's always in the library, there shouldn't be a piece of parchment up there, all of the fragile scrolls were conserved in the attic for safe keeping, if it was borrowed, they should have put it back right after. Frowning at the lack of discipline he can only sigh in disappointment.

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