Chapter 1: The meeting

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𝗬/𝗻'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃:
I wake up to realise my lovely weekend is finally over. I don't hate working for Tony ofc but i hate being his erand girl all day from 9 am on a monday to midnight on friday. I don't tend to do much anyways. He makes me get him Coffee and just fill out some paperwork so i bascially sit around all week. Its nice to know that he doesn't want me to work to hard. I laugh at my own thought cause as if 𝑡ℎ𝑒 Tony Stark cares if i work to hard. 
I get up, get ready and eat when i see Peter coming out. "Shouldn't you be at work already? Mr Stark needs you on time today" He says rubbing his sleepy eyes. I respond with a simple "So?". Peter looks annoyed and just takes some food and starts to head out. I chuckle cause he is still wearing him Iron Man pjs. I don't say anything and get going to work where i am greated with a smiling Tony Stark. "Someone is in a good mood for once" I say sarcastically. Tony rolls his eyes as i give him the coffee and ask "why so blissful today Mr Stark?". He looks at me and says "well if you must know Miss Parker i'm going on a date tonight." I started feeling wierd but i just brushed it off. "With who?" I asked in a sassy tone which i didn't think i even had when it came to Tony.
He looks at me kinda annoyed and says "Pepper". I felt jealousy creeping in but i just gave him a smile and went to my office ignoring the awful feeling of Jealousy. I couldn't believe i was jealous over my boss and his possible future wife. I just sat down and starts filling my paperwork out in an angry manner when i felt eyes on me so i looked up. "Hey gorgeous" loki says as he sets down Some food for me. "Thanks Loki" i smile and calm down. For some reason whenever i'm around Loki i just feel so calm. "what was that about? Yk the angry writting?" He asks worried. I laugh and say some dumb excuse. He sits down next to me and i smile. 
After a few minutes i stand up faced away from Loki and i feel his hands slowly creeping up my waist and i giggle. "Lokiiiii let go" i say turning around and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles and gets his stuff. "i should go before Tony has a go at me again". As soon as he says that i give him a confused look. "Did you not know? Last time i came he yelled at me saying its inappropriate" he says concerned that i didn't know. He leaves and i go to Tony's office.

Tony Stark's Assistent by CamilamarvelpovsWhere stories live. Discover now