chapter 7: Jealousy

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Y/n's POV:

I open the door and hug Pietro tight. I feel him putting his arms around my waist. Great he got my letter. We both turn around to a see a confused Wanda. "Hes helping me make someone jealous dw" i say smiling. The three of us hang out the whole day and just talk. I check the time and its 6:55 pm so its almost time for Tony to get home. Me and Pietro sit in the kitchen and as soon as Tony walks in we flirt HARD. "Oh for fucks sake get a room!" Tony says in a grossed out tone.

Tony's POV:

I get home and the first thing i see is the girl i like flirting with another dude. I was Jealous. I admit it. I walked to my room and called Pepper. "Code Orange" i say before hanging up. Pepper comes over and we see Pietro and Y/n still in the kitchen. I know i'm gonna regret this but i did it. I started making out with Pepper while pinning her against the kitchen wall. I could feel eyes on me but i assumed it was just y/n and Pietro. "EW. WHY ARE YOU KISSING INFRONT OF US?!" I hear Steve yell. I stop making out with Pepper. I look over and see the whole team there staring. Y/n had a cheeky smile.

I got hard while staring at y/n since she had her boobs out a bit (don't judge). I laughed nervously and took Pepper to my room. I heard Y/n go into her room after a few hours and smirked. I had the best idea to make her very jealous and annoyed too. I mean its Karma for when she annoyed me at the party.

Y/n's POV:

I didn't sleep at all last night. All i heard is Tony banging in the room next to mine. I went to my office and did some work. Pepper walked in and said "Mr Stark wants you in his office." She walks out. I walk into Tony's office. "You needed me sir?" I ask knowing calling him sir annoys him. As soon as he heard the word he frowned and said "I wanna talk about Peter. Do you think he could be an Avenger full time?" He asks knowing i'll say no. I think about it but i shake my head no. "Not yet. Wait till he finishes college please?" I ask sweetly and i can tell Tony's heart melts a bit at my tone and he nods. I walk to the door and go back to my office.

Words: 445

Tony Stark's Assistent by CamilamarvelpovsWhere stories live. Discover now