Chapter 9

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George Washington doesn't arrive at your training camp everyday. It's a big event. So I guess you could tell that everyone was panicking a little. Alexander looks terrified, I'm guessing because he has no idea why the General would wish to speak with him. I don't know either, and I have to say his constant questions are getting irritating. He's nice, though. I'm starting to think that John's friends aren't as bad as I thought they were.

Personally, I'm terrified. The thought of my father coming to see how we've been doing scares me. What if he found out that I was gay?

Well hang on, maybe he knows about the fact that I'm 'courting' Peggy.

Speaking of, a letter arrived from her this morning.

My dearest, Y/n,

Notice I put the comma there! Because apparently we're together now! I received a letter from Alexander Hamilton congratulating me for catching the eye of the son of the General himself.

Honestly, I think it's genius. We're both gay, so being together is a PERFECT cover up story. Talking about that, let's get down to business.

You know me far too well. I was squealing when I found out that you like John Laurens. I have met him before and he is so good for you!

I think it definitely sounds like he's flirting with you. Keep in mind that he may be teasing you, but personally I know Laurens well enough to say that he is very sweet and I don't think he would do that. I think you might actually have a chance! Seriously, you do not know how happy I am for you. I am utterly thrilled.

Now, the Winter's Ball is fast approaching. This will give us plenty of time to talk about it, which will be fun.

No luck with Molly... it really does hurt sometimes to see her, knowing that she's probably not gay. Oh well. I can live with it, but you might actually have some important stuff going on right now!

Yes, keep writing to me, you big idiot! Tell me everything that happens!

Love you,


The Winter's Ball may be terrifying, but I have more important things to do. For example, the fact that my father just arrived.

"Father!" I cry, running up to him. "How was your trip?"

The General chuckles, ruffling my hair. "It was a pleasant journey, not accounting for the worry of being attacked by British troops,"

I nod, following him into the largest tent. "Father, is there anything I could perchance do for you? I understand that we are outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, outplanned..."

"Way to rub it in, Y/n," he grumbles. I hang my head as he sits down.

"Father, I need to know if there is anything I could do. I could come with you, rise above my station, help with protecting the nation, sir, I promise I could help you." Suddenly, I realise what I've said. If I leave the state to help with the war, I might not see John again. But I have to help the war, what if more people die? I can't risk my own love life for the lives of innocent people! Still, part of me wishes I hadn't said it and that Father would dismiss me.

"Sir, you wanted to see me?" I jump, turning around to meet the gaze of Alexander Hamilton.

"Hamilton, come in," my father commands. Once again, I wonder why he wants to see the man.

"As I was saying, sir, I just wish to aid you in any way possible-"



"Close the door on your way out,"

I stand there a little shocked, part of me wondering why he dismissed me so rudely. The other part of me wonders how I'm going to close the door of a tent. But I take it that my father is rather impatient to get me out, and I don't want to keep him waiting.

I walk out of the tent, only to be met by the worried eyes of John Laurens. I hurriedly look at his shoulder.

"Everything okay?" He asks, concerned.

"I'm fine, just a little worried for my father," I say. "He's acting very strange, I think the war is taking its toll on him."

John places his hand on my shoulder. I rub the bridge of my nose, groaning slightly. "I think the war is taking its toll on me, too," I sigh, placing my head on John's shoulder.


Alex, Laf and Herc have put their head on my shoulder whenever they're tired and stressed before. But I've got to say I didn't expect it from Y/n. Normally he doesn't like stuff like that. However, he seems to be either incredibly stressed, or he trusts me a lot more than I realised. Maybe both.

His head is quite heavy, a sign that he's rather relaxed. I feel my cheeks heating up. His face has never been this close to mine for this period of time.

If only he knew what he did to me.

I don't really know what to do other than to pat his head softly, hoping that it helps. I feel him smile into my shoulder. It's adorable, it makes me want to curl my arms around him and hug him tight, never let go.

But he doesn't trust me that much just yet, and I'm fine with that. The important thing is that he trusts me enough to put his head on my shoulder, which is enough to make me grin and giggle like an idiot. It's clear that a gesture like this means he's quite vulnerable, which only makes me want to hold him more tightly. But I can't.

I can hold on a little longer.

I feel his face nuzzle into my shoulder a tiny bit. It makes my heart melt.

"It's just really stressful, John," he mumbles, his voice a little muffled. I can feel the vibrations of his voice. It makes me want to shudder. "Why can't the war be over, so we can live our lives to-" He stops himself. I'm not entirely sure why. I smile, stroking his hair very lightly. 

I take it as a positive sign that he doesn't shy away, lifting his head from my shoulder. His head stays put, allowing me to continue stroking his hair. It's things like this that make me feel very strange, but in a good way. I think he probably might like me back. But even that thought makes my cheeks burn.

"I know, I know," I murmur, placing my head on his. Again, he doesn't move. "It is irritating, I know. But I promise it'll be over soon. I promise."

"But what if I die?" His head lifts up from mine suddenly. I try not to feel disappointed. "What if YOU die?"

My eyes widen, grabbing his arms. "No, I swear I won't die on you, I swear!" I cry. 

"Are you sure?"

His upset look makes my heart shatter. I want to break down in front of him, sobbing into his chest. I know he would be rather scared by that, though. I just feel so helpless. I don't know what to do. I've had crushes in the past, but I just really don't know what I can do. God, this man makes me so confused, he's clogging up my brain. 

"I'm sure," I say, trying to not look him in the eyes. "I promise you that I'm staying. I'm here." I take his hand carefully. He smiles, rubbing his thumb on mine.

I blush, realising just exactly how infatuated by this man I am.

I love you.

Thank you for reading! I'm sorry we haven't been getting much Burr action at the moment, but he will return at the Winter's Ball. 

If you want more George Washington in this, please ask me! I do find it a little difficult to write about him, despite him being a great character. I'll admit it, I am just trying to get him out of the way but if you want me to write more with him, I promise I'll try.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you have a great week!

- AngelOfMusic7 

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