Chapter 2

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(Time skip a few weeks)

"Yo, Washington!" A voice behind me shouts, jolting me from my thoughts as I walk through the training camp. I turn around and see one of my friends, Sam Johnson, running up to me. "Why weren't you there at the bar the other day? It was your day off, wasn't it?"

"I spent my day off doing other things," I reply as sweetly as I can. In truth, I had sat in my tent all day, worrying about the approaching armies and how we need more men. However, this is not what Johnson assumes.

"Oh my God," he gasps, a hand over his mouth. "Did you finally hook up with someone? Oh my Lord, who's the lucky girl?"

"No, Johnson, I didn't-"

"Jack! George! Get over here!" Johnson calls to our other friends. "Y/n finally hooked up with someone!"

"WHAT?!" A cry echoes through the camp as two young men come racing towards us. "Is that true? Oh Lord, Y/n, thought I'd never see the day!" Jack Williams throws his arm roughly around my shoulder. Frantically, I ducked and shoved him away. Are they drunk? They'd better not be.

"I did not hook up with a random girl, I thought you would know that, Johnson. Unlike you, I have morals. I spent my day off panicking about our low amount of recruits and the ever advancing British army that is threatening our life." I spit, rolling my eyes.

My friends did the last thing I wanted them to do. Laugh. They were laughing quite hard, and Williams even thumped his hand on George Samuels' shoulder. At least that wasn't my shoulder. "Y/n, you worry too much," Johnson chortles. "You'll make yourself depressed!"

"Too late for that," I mutter understand my breath, walking away as my friends continue laughing and making fun of my seriousness.

 It was partially the truth. I am aware of the fact that the war is slowly consuming me until I do spiral into depression, but it's something I can't help. I don't have anything or anyone to distract me from the inevitable doom all of us face, unlike my friends. They have each other. They have their girlfriends. I have no-one. God, sometimes I envy their ability to laugh in the face of war. If only I could let down my guard and laugh along with them, if I could allow myself to just have a few drinks, laugh it off and forget about tomorrow. But that's impossible, especially for the son of the general. Occasionally I wish I was just one of the enlisted like Johnson, Williams and Samuels. Not having to worry about any of the strategics or how to fight. Just having to fight. Lord, what would I give.

Being the son of the general has its perks, but it has its flaws as well. Constant pressure to be better than the next man, pressure to lead, to govern, to know exactly what to do, no cracks, no breaks, no mistakes. ;) I know my father just wants the best for me. However, I do want to know whether he realises his protectiveness, lectures and expectations do weigh down on one after a while.

He means well. I shouldn't blame him for my thoughts. He's a great dad, if a little flawed, but nobody's perfect, right? If we were happy every day of our lives, we wouldn't be human.

"Lieutenant!" A voice calls from behind me. It's Father's current right hand man, who's name often seems to escape me. 


"New recruits have arrived, Lieutenant Washington. A group of four. Don't worry, I've already set up a tent for them."

My eyes light up. Finally, new men! I follow Father's right hand man to where a group of young men are standing. It doesn't take me long to realise who they are. Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan and Hamilton. I should have known. At least Lafayette and Hamilton know French. That might be useful. 

"Mr. Washington!" Hamilton cries, racing forwards to shake my hand. I frantically put my hands behind my back. "Mr. Hamilton, how good it is to see you, sir."

"Lieutenant," Lafayette smiles. I give him a small nod.

"I'll escort you to your tent," I say, edging closer to the general's right hand man. Leaning close, I murmur, "Where's their tent?"

"The newest one," he whispers back. "You'll know it when you see it."

I thank him and beckon the four men to follow me. When we do finally get to their tent, I notice that, despite it being the newest tent, it's still rather grim. Oh well. At least I get my own.

"This is our tent?" Hamilton asks, a little let down.

"If you don't like it, sleep in the mud," I snap, turning around. That is, until I hear a little chuckle coming from behind me. I turn around to see John Laurens laughing quietly. It's not a mocking laugh. It's merely a soft laugh, letting me know that he found what I said funny. I mean, it wasn't meant as a joke, but it made me happy anyway. 

"Your cots should be in there, gentlemen." I nod to Laurens.

"Cots?" Hamilton questions. "Like things that babies sleep in?"

"They'd be bigger than a baby's, dumbass," I sigh. "Just - that's where you'll sleep, ok?"

Laurens is clearly trying to hold in his laugh. "He got you, man," he giggles. 

I smile, shaking my head. "Why would you sleep in a baby's cot, Hamilton?"

"I don't know!" He cries defensively. "I was just making sure!"

Laurens, Mulligan and Lafayette all burst out laughing now. 

"You don't have to start training today, it's most peoples' day off anyway. I expect you at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. Don't stay up until midnight, you'll hate yourself."

I smile as I walk away. Maybe they're not so bad after all.

Second chapter done! Hope you guys are enjoying it! I am so sorry, I have no idea how people get into the army, I couldn't be bothered to research. Oh well.

I know things are going kinda fast atm, it will slow down when I get all the 'joining the army' stuff out of the way. It's just a fast run at the beginning.

See you all soon!

- AngelOfMusic7 

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