Chapter 10

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The Winter's Ball. Somehow, Alex managed to become George Washington's right hand man. I wonder what Y/n makes of it. You know, someone he doesn't really trust, forever by the side of his father. It must be rather strange for him, but I think Alex deserves it. It also might help to get Alex and Y/n closer to each other, which is always a good thing. I think if they just warmed up to each other they'd be great friends.

Speaking of, Alex, Laf and Herc are incredibly eager to go to the Winter's Ball, mainly because of the three Schuyler sisters there. I assume Y/n's looking forward to seeing Peggy. It'll be nice to catch up with her as well.

I do have to acknowledge that Y/n and Peggy will undoubtedly be forced to dance with one another, being - ahem - 'courting' and all. Even though I know they're just friends, it'll be weird seeing the man I love dancing with someone else. The thought hurts slightly, despite me knowing for a fact that they're not together. But he doesn't even know I love him.

Sighing, I again looked at the outfit that I had to wear for the ball. Wouldn't it kind of be nicer, more comfortable if I was wearing one of the dresses that the girls would all be wearing? But then again I hate the idea of a corset. And men don't wear dresses, honestly, John.

I wonder what Y/n's going to wear. Supposedly, the exact same thing I'm wearing. I'm not exactly sure what he picked out.

Slightly reluctantly, I got the suit on. It felt alright, if a little restraining. The sleeve ruffles seemed a little much, but I wasn't complaining. I would just have to shake them out of the way if I actually wanted to hold anything. The shoes pinched at my feet, but I'd get used to them. Luckily I was only wearing it for one night. It's way less comfortable than my uniform.

I don't really want to dance with anyone.

Oh scratch that. I don't really want to dance with a woman. I'd do anything to be able to dance with Y/n. I'm honestly desperate to have his hand in mine again. I'm now imagining his blushing face as we twirled through the halls. Then I realise that I'd definitely be bright red as well. How cheesy.

Shut up, John. It's never going to happen. A man can't dance with another man publicly, it would be scandalous.

Oh well, I can dream, can't I?

Y/n's POV

God, Peggy'll burst out laughing at me.

What even are these ruffles? The shoes are awful, they're pinching my feet, I can barely walk. The waistcoat is making my chest feel incredibly tight, I'm not sure if I'll be able to breathe when I'm walking around. I just want to rip it off, and get into my army uniform again. The uniform isn't the most comfortable, but it's a hundred times better than this. I won't even have time to get used to it, it's only for one night.

The ruffles are making me feel ridiculous, the hem of the breeches feel like they're cutting the blood flow from my legs, the tights feel far too skintight for my liking. Can't I just cut the ruffles off? Wear my army boots? Get longer trousers? A larger waistcoat?

Basically, I want to be in my uniform.

But Father would flip if he saw me in anything like my uniform during a ball. I need to be civilised, exactly how he expects me to be. The reputation is exhausting.

I wonder what John's wearing. Undoubtedly the same thing as me, but I wonder what he thinks of it. Will he like an outfit like that? I don't think he would, me and him have some of the same tastes.

God, I'm smiling just at the thought of the freckled man. He'll either look adorable or completely laughable. He'll probably manage to pull off both.

I'm very well aware of the fact that, being the son of George Washington, I'll need to dance. And undoubtedly with Peggy. If I danced with anyone else I might be seen as a cheater (even though we're not even together). Not that I'd want to dance with anyone except Peggy.

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