Chapter 12

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating in ages, I had a bunch of family stuff going on and exams and all :( but I'm here now. I hope this chapter is okay!


"Hey, Y/n?" I turn around to see John running up to me. Me and Mulligan had been laughing over the fact that Alexander was definitely head over heels for Eliza Schuyler, despite only knowing her for about three minutes.

He had already said he wanted to be the flower girl. I didn't argue, other than being a little let down that he'd taken it first.

"Hey, John," I smile, looking at the nervous man. "You alright?"

"Hey, Herc," he says, glancing at the man next to me. "Y/n, would you mind if I could show you something?"

"Er... ok!" I agree, slightly confused as I follow him over to the back of the hall. Through the crowd, I see Peggy wink at me. I have no idea what's going on. What could John want to show me that he didn't want anyone else to see?

(A/N: this turned out to sound a lot more 😏 than I intended)

John leads me through a door that I thought was to the pantry, but it turns out that it leads into a small corridor. You can still hear the music through the walls, but it's much quieter, something I'm glad for.

"Why are we in here?" I ask John. I look at him and see that he looks incredibly embarrassed. He's fiddling with his sleeves and looking at the floor. "John?"

"You know, Y/n," he says nervously. "Peggy just talked to me about this place. No-one ever goes in here, apparently. But, nobody can see or hear what goes on, but we can hear what's going on through there. Pretty cool, huh?"

I'm slightly concerned. "Yes...?"

"So I was just wondering, if, you know," he starts twiddling his thumbs. "You know, two men dancing together is not very acceptable, but no-one would see us here..."

I feel my cheeks heating up. John wants to dance - with me? 

"Are you asking me to dance, John?" I ask, unable to stop myself from smiling.

He blushes. "Maybe."

I grin. "Ok,"


"I'll dance with you," I say. "You sure no-one can see us?"

John smiles, a really goofy smile that I never want to leave his face. "Positive."

"Ok," I laugh lightly. "Er - do you want to lead?"

"Do you?" He asks, taking a step towards me before having to restrain a laugh.

"Oh no, I'm crap at dancing," I smile, nervously taking one of his hands.

"Ok then," he grins, placing a hand on my waist. We're both blushing like mad now, but I think I'm probably redder. I can't even feel his hand that well because of the suit, but it still makes me blush. It makes me feel uncomfortable. It's not that I don't like it, but it's such a strange feeling that it makes me want him to never let go and take his hand off at the same time. I groan in embarrassment, placing my head on his shoulder. He chuckles.

"Is this alright?" He asks, glancing down at his hand. I nod into his shoulder, placing my hand next to my head. John pulls me closer to him so it's easier to dance. 

I don't move my head from his shoulder, feeling that I might die if I look into his handsome face. We slowly begin to sway side to side, fitting the slow dance that's playing in the room next to us. How convenient it wasn't a ridiculously fast song, I think to myself. 

The Place to Be - John Laurens x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now