Chapter 14

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Hello there! Have a new chapter.

Also sorry if the tense changed, I can't remember what tense I was in before and I am too lazy to check lmao

"You know John, I didn't prepare myself for having to wear this goddamn suit for a second time."

"You and me both, Y/n," John sighed, tugging at the tight, ruffled, collar of his suit.

"I still can't believe Alex made us wear them," I muttered. "I know it's his wedding, but for heaven's sake. I know for a fact he hates these suits too."

I'm not entirely sure how we went from soppy letters to a wedding. You'd think Alex would have took it down a few notches, but no. Here we all are, forced into these outfits to see him get married to a random woman he met a few weeks ago. Granted, it is Eliza Schuyler, but I still don't really understand it.

Straight people are so weird.

"Enjoying ourselves, boys?" 

Me and John jump, turning around to see Peggy, Hercules and Lafayette all stood there smirking at us. Peggy looks very uncomfortable in her huge ballgown. "These outfits are simply gorgeous, aren't they?"

"Stunning," John rolled his eyes, playfully hitting Herc's arm.

"They are not so different from the ones we wear in France," Laf noted, looking down at his suit. 

I put my arm around Peggy, trying not to look too strange. 

John laughed. "You two just look like two awkward gays trying to fit in with society."

"Is that not what we are?" Peggy asked, looking up at me. I smiled.

Looking around the crowded room, I noticed Alex standing at the front of the hall, talking avidly to Angelica Schuyler, most likely about some nerdy thing that he found out in the latest book he read. Or Eliza. Probably Eliza. 

Our strange group of friends all sat down near each other in the pews, Peggy and John on either side of me. Laf and Herc sit in front, and the three of us don't take very long to realise how close the Frenchman and the tailor are sitting to each other. They're practically holding hands. I smirk at Peggy, who gives me a knowing look.

"Everybody, please could you be silent!" Angelica called from the front. "The bride will be arriving shortly."

Me and John attempted not to laugh at Alexander's bemused face. It must all be rather confusing for him, a broke immigrant marrying into one of the most wealthy and popular families we know. The extravagant traditions must be new to him. 

From the band in the corner came the wedding march, which made everyone seated in the pews fall silent.

Everyone's head turned back as Eliza Schuyler and her father, Philip Schuyler, walk down the aisle. She was in a very beautiful, elegant wedding dress that trails down to the floor. Her father's face is a mixture of pride and acceptance. I assumed from the fact that his middle daughter was marrying Alex, who's one of the poorest men I know.

Speaking of Alex, his jaw had dropped comically. He was gaping at how beautiful the woman in front of him was. You could see in his eyes how in love with her he was, like in that moment he knew he would stay loyal to her forever. (I'm sorry)

To the side of me, Peggy looked very proud of her older sister. But I noticed a little bit of sadness and envy in her gaze. I knew this was about her forbidden love, Molly Pitcher (Chapter 5 if you forgot who she was). I knew that deep down, Peggy wished that she could find a true love that would actually work out for her. I felt awful for her.

The Place to Be - John Laurens x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now