Chapter 16

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In honour of the Queen's death and the new King who no-one asked for, I decided to come back to one of our favourite anti-monarchist musical fics (the other anti-monarchist musical being Les Misérables, which holds a very special place in my heart).

Idk if anyone's really enjoying this but here I am, after like 3 months of stalling, with a new chapter.

Again, I might have changed the tense again. I don't know. I'm too tired to check. And I'm more comfortable with past tense, so shut up.

⚠️ Suggestive comments - but no smut, don't worry. I can't and also - as an asexual - don't want to! Also some swearing, but nothing you haven't seen before :) 

"Come on, Y/n! You're driving us all insane!"

"Well I'm sorry that you don't have anyone to double date with, Laf, but you're going to have to wait a bit longer."

"A bit longer?? You and John have been running around each other for weeks! Get a goddamn move on, will you?"

"Well what am I supposed to say? No, I'm sorry, I must have missed the memo on how to say that you love somebody."

"Y/n, you said it yesterday. Pardon my French but you're not fucking fooling anyone."

"You are from France, Laf. Don't pardon your French."

John stalled, his hand frozen midway to the door. He got the gist that this was not a conversation he was supposed to have overheard. His heart was still racing from a few minutes ago. He wasn't amazing at French, but he knew that mon cheri meant 'my darling'. Or so he though. He may have to double-check with Laf, but he knew it wasn't really something that you called your friend. And Y/n called him it. Jesus, that boy was going to be the end of him, really. 

He braced himself for teasing and opened the door, seeing Y/n with his head on the table, Lafayette shaking his head. When they heard the door open both their heads snapped towards John simultaneously, making him rather anxious.

"Where's Herc and Alex?" He asked, attempting to not bring up the conversation he had heard a few seconds ago.

"Herc's still in his room, fixing one of his jackets," Y/n piped up. "There was a giant hole in it."

"And considering how well the wedding went, I think you can guess where Alex is," Laf muttered, winking at the boy opposite him on the table.

"What did I say about suggestive comments this early in the morning, Lafayette?"


John sighed, plopping himself next to Y/n. The lieutenant gave a soft smile before placing his head back on the table. John scratched his head fondly, before turning back to Lafayette. "I know I've already said this, but I did not think Alex would be the first one of us to, you know..."

"To get laid?"

"Laf!" An muffled voice rose from Y/n's face-down head.

"Sorry, Y/n. But technically, he's not the first one to lose his virginity among us."

"Lafayette, I love you, but if you tell me about how you fucked Herc one more time, I will snap your neck."

John stifled a giggle at Y/n's outburst, however did turn slightly red. "You and Herc? Uh, really? I didn't - I mean, I knew you were dating, I just -"

"John, don't encourage him."

"Right. Point taken." He stopped talking, despite trying not to laugh at Lafayette's grinning face. However, the moment he locked eyes with the Frenchman, he couldn't restrain himself any longer.

The Place to Be - John Laurens x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now