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On Monday was my first day on the Liverpool high as a teacher and now I can tell you that all of this will be only through my stiff.

And the best of it is that I have got one year of "teaching" those bastards in front of me.

But today is Tuesday for my only luck I have just 2 classes-and no I don't want to look like some teacher that is happy to spend not much time at school cause I am not like the ones complaining in the staffroom-.

My alarm has been ringing for the good 15 minutes and I can't still force my body to get up.

But I have got a planty of time the way from London to Liverpool doesn't take much. OK something around 3 hours but it's nothing besides I have to teach just 3 times a week.

It just had taken me next 20 minutes to get into the car and finally set out to my hometown.

I have even some more minutes to buy coffee in Starbucks, oh how I need that. I had parked my Audi in the nearest street and walked for my Vanilla Latte.

For today's morning I have chosen to sit for a while at the table-I usually take it away. I picked up one of these many light wooden small tables which was in the corner.

There was just one lamp over it-best place how to drink my warm favorit.

I finally tighted up my messy hair to something like a bun and opened my phone with a lot of missed calls and messages-I always response to others but if you are one of the grotty chicks that have met me once or some of the combative cretins for this situation I won't answer-.

Often the half of them is just like this. I just quickly deleted it and sip of my Latte.

I had just a few minutes left to my first class but my lovely pensioner collegue Mishell was still talking about her interest to my NYU education experiences-I was thinking for the whole time how it could be fine if she just shut her mouth for a second-because her daughter wants to enrol her grandson there, you have to know this really-.

"I would like to answer all of your worries and questions of course but if you excuse me for now I should probably go." I have tried to escape from the teachers' lounge in the gentlman style-and as I had supposed it works-.

"Oh I am so sorry that I had talked too much though it will ring soon. Good luck with them! And..." "Bye Mrs Benett!" I have only caught just the sentence with good luck but anyways I have gotta go to find my classroom.

It is rare and maybe unbelievable but I arrived in time-it's usually not possible for me and it just doesn't fit me well-and yeah I have found my class too-as a bonus but important bonus-.

When I entered everyone were talking-the classic classroom hustle-so I have brought the attention like: "Good morning class! Haven't you noticed that the school has a bell or are you just totally deaf?"

Obviously it's different when you have to teach these frat boys than the little kids who would just shut their mouth and do what you would say.

"Good morning" was the mumbled respond from the class. "You have got the only fluke that I had a cup of my favourite Latte because I can see in your faces how much you are into this." The atmosphere in the class has eased for a bit.

"And what if.." Tried one of the beefy without brain but I interrupted him "Firstly don't ask me about bullshits and secondly come to the black board and revise for your classmates what we had been discussing about yesterday." The mockery swept through the room right when I have just finished my answer.

The lunch came and I have mentioned that Mishell has got duty in the cantine-holy crap.

Or there is an option how to avoid it. I can go to the gym to visit Jeremy-probably the only normal person of the teaching staff I have met here-. Yes, I will do that-It's much better than die of the neverending boring natter.

The moment I opened door of the gym hall I had heard girl's giggle-like really? J doesn't teach girls-. At last I have understood-for now there are the cheerleaders-as Jeremy told me yesterday.

"Don't let be distracted by my wrong interruption...." I shut the door and turned to go to the cantine from the other entrace. And then I collided with some asshole that was behind my back. "Hey could you just...!"

No it wasn't any fucking dream Georgia had fallen on the floor just like me on the main door. "Holy...Georgia? What are you doing here?"

I have finally stood up and give a hand to put her upright. "Hi Harry I am late so I have gotta go sorry." She almost fell again how she tried to dissapear fast.

Georgia presumably belongs to the cheerleaders-I hate high school lousy footbal- but who cares. But it's odd she hadn't mentioned about it at the welcoming party.

My second class was much more noisier than the other one. Maybe because I was teaching the girls I had seen today in the gym hall- they were constantly talking and smiling at me-.

Since this Tuesday I will remeber that I won't go to the gym again when they will have their meeting or what was it-never again thanks.

I was on my way to London when they were playing my favourite song by Sex Pistols in the radio.

I turned the volume on maximum and just started to chill after this afwul Tuesday. Almost 30 minutes behind me but stay positive-right?-.

I like my own repose that I have in my flat. The owners are fine and the best on is that I don't have to listen to the annoying Rob's snoring-what a nice dream.

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