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What have I done? What? Fuck. Maybe I don't want to let the past enter again. Maybe I don't want to see another one. Now it's only on her. How would she decide. All in all Robbie is the biggest motherfucker that I know.

The best that I could do was to walk away from her. It's not my business but I had to say it.

I should probably go to my class. Who could say that I would be ever happy to go there? No one normal.

"Professor! Professor!" I was in the middle of arithmetical problem when someone interrupted me-you can't imagine how much I hate these situations-. "Yeah?" I answered carelessly. "Wouldn't you mind to go for today's football match we will..."-what are they trying on me? We have mathematic and..I just can't. "Miss Swam can you focus your brain to our lesson please? Or just to be quite! No one had asked so thanks to your classmate all of you must summarize today's theory lesson and send it to me no later than tommorow's midnight. Everything clear?" I have been pissed of anyways. "Mr Styles can you please explain us why have you just.." The brave one tried to express the anger of the class but I agumented on it fast "Are you at high school? I will tell you, yes you are so you should expect these things. End of the lesson." I don't have nerves on these shits.

After my lesson I got in to my car and drove to the nearest gym-for these cases I have got a sport bag on my backseat-to get rid of my anger.

It's mine only rescue-thanks God for the fitnesscenters-just to get out all of the shits. I have been boxing to the punching bag for one hour and I can still go on. Maybe I should get tired somewhere else. What about the treadmill?-to run away from this fucking life with my earpods-Simple: It's a need.

I had been in the gym for 2 hours after that I finally felt much more better. But also I want to be alone-so let me be for a few damn minutes, thank you-.

I was on my way home when I was driving near by the high school's football field. It made me sick again. I haven't got good memories from this place-seriously. Only the crazy one would go there voluntarily.

We were just trying to survive. And the monthly matches were our days of the biggest suffer. The whole school must go to see the wet assholes runing from the one goal to another. It was really compulsory event. Everyone had to sit from the beginning to the end on the old wood benches as some idiot. That was  just boring part-you could do it without any scratches-but things after the match were not boring at all-like never.

No one-either me- from our nerd gang wasn't physical abel to defend ourselfs-even though  physic has been our common love-so our faiths had been actually clear at the beggining. Angry motherfucker athletes were beating their frustration or their enthusiasm from the victory on our faces.

   When I am thinking about it now we were losers. But instead our lovely tyrants we have brains. We finished NYU, now everyone from my class have a work and what about them? They are probably running in the circle just like some stupid rats-ok rats could be quite smart but this is not their case-, live their average life without anything remarkable-for example the science is missing there-.

But I don't want to sound like we had been the biggest losers on the school-that's not actually true-because we had been ones that had a brain and vision. But as it is on the high schools no one takes notice about this kind of people. They just called them nerds or whatever. I haven't probably much changed but the others think that I am so different. Everything that changed is that I have started to work on myself harder, I don't let the assholes to fuck my life again or anyone who just try to do it, I am not the weakest one anymore and maybe I became more indenpendent that's all. So where is the big change?

On Saturday-the first day of the weekend that I like the most-I was invited by my buddy Mike from the London local bar to his afterparty. These days It's quite rare for me to go on some party but when I was with the boys on UNI we had been boozing almost every weekend also our mushroom hours miss me too. But now? I don't have a mood on it and the biggest reason is my responsibility for myself, work and-yes-family. Our wild times are gone but it doesn't mean that we are some old farts.

"Mike! Man! It has been a long time no see! Come on!" It was a bit hard to find him in the crowded house but yes I had found mine old good lad. "You? The Pussymaister in person? What a pleasure to meet ya bro, it haven't been fun here withou you big H." "Mikee don't say that I am not the Playboy here just look ať yourself what a bunny boy you are." We started to laugh and then have a friend talk with a glass of  our favorite Tequila.

After a few drinks and some hook ups I decided to go out for the cigarette. I don't smoke often, times that I had been smoking every day are gone for good-I ended up this shits when me and the boys from our pack tore apart- but sometimes when I am drunk I have a light some a little. For my luck I haven't met anyone known so I could chill on my own. Until this moment I thought that I won't meet anyone Who I could know but startlingly he showed up. After all. Now I won't have any reasons to hold my anger, no longer.

"Are you going to drug your new pussy? Really Rob, do you think that I won't stop you now? How do you fucking dare to show up here!" I shouted on him. "Hey Styles calm down, I don't know what are you talking about. You are so wasted look at yourself. You have probably fucked tonight with the half of the bitches here right? So shut the fuck up you.." I didn't let him I just couldn't help myslef. I gave him a hard punch right into his foul face. He fell on the ground so quick. Even though that son of the bitch tried to defend himself by fruitless hits I was the one who had a full control of it. I have to beat him until the all pain will dissapear for good. Then I saw her. She was standing in the main door with a frightened face. I stopped punching the motherfucker under me.

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