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16 years had passed and wangi was very lonely.he never spoke with his uncle and he always try to contact with weing soul.but he did not every night he was crying a lot because he was missing his love day at mo house something lan wangi and some disciple go there for help.

When lan disciples did not control bad spirit then they called wangi for help.that time someone come there and take mo shuanshu mask.that person also saw what happened there and saw wangi but then he leave that place.

When wangi take that sword. Stigiyan ammoulat power at that sword.everyone was shocked.everyone said Wei wuxian has come back?wangi also thinking has weing was returned.he was very happy inside thinking it but also afraid that think if it turns out be a lie.then how will I live?I waited for my love so many years.he was hopeful that time.

After that a woman who saved the boy tell him.if you like this mask you wear have must wear it one should see your face and you have to go 'dafan mountain'.there was some go there and help people.

After that the mask boy sitting near by a river.a girl come to him and give a apple to that boy doneky.the boy had a donekey .  someone gift him that donekey.he like it very much.the girl is dancing her mother try to stop her but she didn't.her mother is crying.that boy asked her mother what happened with the girl.her mother said his girl husband has died at dafan mountain after this all this happened to her daughter.then the boy leave that place for dafan mountain.

After that all shact highers and deciples come at dafan mountain to see what happened there.why people soul is stolen? lan clan deciples and jin ling go to the temple.when that boy came to that temple, he said everyone to leave that place because the dancing idol will kill everyone.then everyone running.that dancing idol attack at everyone.

That time that boy did not understand what will he do.then he prepared a flute and starts playing it.he did not know that why he was playing the flute or what tune.he was playing.hearing his tune wening came there.wening save all of them.everyone was shocked and scared saw wening there.because everyone know wening is dead.

After that jin ling attack at wening.that boy continously playing the flute and control wening.that time someone come there and hold that boy hand.he was wangi.when wangi heard that song,he know that boy was his love weing.wangi was look at that boy very lovingly.because he and weing only know about that song.

Wangi want that time hug weing and kiss him but he did not.that boy look at wangi with confusion because that person seemed familiar but he had forgotten everything about himself.when the boy look at wangi that time .that boy heart full of pain and anger.why he felt that he did not understand.

When weing notice that his love did not recognise him.he become like crying.he was felt lot of pain in his heart.that his love forget him? after that everyone come there.that time wening was standing there.when everyone saw him, there are shocked.they are think how it possible?how he is alive?

Then one jang deciples said jang Cheng that boy who ware mo suanshu mask, called wening.hearing this jang Cheng think'is weing was back'? everyone think jang Cheng hate weing but jang Cheng love his brother weing very much.he did not show that anyone.he want know that who is that boy so he starts attacking with his magic whip on him.but wangi save that boy.

Wangi hate Jang change very much because of him his love dead.he was decided protecting his love at any cost now.but that boy forget his memory.then that boy started running but jang Cheng hit that boy fallen at ground and his Mask was opened.when everyone saw the boy face.everyone shocked and screed because he was Wei wuxian.

Everyone thik how it is possible? he was dead,was not he?when wangi see weing face.he was started crying with happiness because his love is back.he was waiting for his love 16years to see him again.but when everyone look at weing again there scared very much.

When weing get up his eyes turned into red colour.his body automatically fly at smoke was coming out of himself and all around his body.he had looking at everyone with anger and hatred.weing starts changing ,he was not that past weing who is kind, Babli and nice to everyone,help everyone.

Then everyone cultivator sword automatically go to weing and everyone stand like a stachu there.all of them were seeing their own death at weing eyes that time.that time weing want killed everyone there.because his memory was come back when jang Cheng hit him.and because he saw many familer face and hearing own name that time.

When that women saved weing.weing condition was very bad.he was out of control so that women sile weing memory using her power.but now his memory was back.when wangi saw at his love weing.he clearly see that hatred for him at weing eyes.wangi was broken to see this.he was feeling heart broken.

Wangi know his weing was out of control try to clam him and said 'weing'.called him with love but when weing see Wangi.he was more angry and out of control.he remember that pain whose wangi give him.when his love lanza betrayed him.then he started to attack everyone but at same time someone come there.

That person goes near weing and hug him with love.when that person touch weing. he was automatically clam dwon and senseless in his shoulder.seeing this everyone was more shocked.who is that boy who control weing? because no one saw that boy face.because that boy face at weing sid.then that boy, weing and wening leave that place.

Everyone think how powerful weing was they servibe because they all do bad things with weing.who is the boy? where are wei wuxian living many years?how he coltivate that power? what power is that?how they kii wei wuxian now?who saved him?

Another said wangi was in a shock.he was crying a lot and thing who is that person who clam dwon my weing.that person take my place at weing life now?can my weing forgive me?I made mistakes and pay for it.but I did not live without my weing could not do this? he only love me?wangi decided he did not lose his love again.he admit his mistake and beg forgiveness to weing for his mistake.weing was only mine,my omega,my I did not let him go this time again.

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